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Orange sheets wrapped me up as I awoke, opening up my eyes. I didn't want to move at the moment-I feared if I did, I would ruin the nice comforting moment of being here.

I heard the sound of strumming, coming from the other side of the closed bedroom door. This happened to let me know Ed was obviously awake. At that time, his voice was heard, and what a sound it was. It started from humming, continuing off to singing.

I sat up, running a hand through my short hair of bangs as I straightened my shirt. I clambered out of his bed, letting the curiosity get to me as I made my way by the door. My hand hesitated on the door knob before I finally pulled it open, peeking my head out.

Ed sat on the couch, facing to me, with a guitar sitting in his lap. He had a notebook sitting beside him, that held scribbles as I could see. I slowly walked to the messy haired guy, as I slipped into the other side of the couch.

"Hey," he greeted me with a smile. I returned it, "good morning," I replied. "What were you singing a minute or so ago?" I ask, pulling my legs up under me, tucking them up on the couch.

Ed bit his lip, shrugging as he looked to his notebook. "I was having a minute or two to myself before you woke up. Do you want some pancakes?" He asked, setting aside his notebook.

My attention quickly snapped from the notebook to the idea of pancakes as he stood up, pulling me up with him. "That would be lovely," I give him a smile as he nods, walking to the kitchen.

I trail behind him, like always, watching as he carries all the ingredients and supplies out of the cabinets before asking me to get something from the refrigerator. "I can't find it," I stated truthfully.

"What?" Ed asked, turning around. He stepped to me, giving us four inches of space. I bit my lip, trying to avoid me from smiling at the confused look on his face.

"Shit," he mumbled. "Oh, sorry for cursing..." Ed looked around for a moment, before glancing back to me. "Wanna take a quick walk to the store?"

"It's okay if you curse, you didn't mean it. Plus, I slip up a bit myself and swear," I giggled. "If we go to the store, let me go brush my hair." I tell him, unintentionally running a hand through my hair.

He smiled, nodding as I started slowly walking back to his bedroom. I left the door open, as I traveled to my bags and my ruffled through them until I found what I was looking for. The brush smoothed my previously rough, short hair into a nice, straightened hair.

I threw the brush back down on top of my bags, walking out of his bedroom. He had put on a hoodie, but unlike myself, his hair was crazy looking. "You look so nice and I am a mess right now," Ed laughed, making me blush in return. His compliments were just so sweet.

"Let's go," he says, as I follow behind him. I had the shirt on from what I slept in the night before; however, that sadly, wasn't Ed's own shirt. If his hoodie was soft and incredibly comfy, I wonder how great it would be to wear one of his shirts. (!!!!!!!!!! a/n: sorry, I had a moment of screaming on the inside)

The walk to the store only took ten minutes, and with the sun, it was a nice day. The streets were crowded, and so was the small store I followed Ed into. "I found this store the other week, when I was out one night, and needed some milk. Well, maybe it was the early morning, I can't remember," Ed chuckled. I followed him towards the back of the store, watching him as he grabbed a cart.

"Want me to hold that?" I ask, as I kept following him. He sighed, shaking his head in response. "You can just grab the things we need and put it in the cart for me," he flashed a smile.

I nodded, as we made our way in the down the dimly lit store. There were small shelves, and they seemed to be filled with everything. Ed had pulled his face into deep concentration, as he gave me instructions on what we were exactly looking for.

He kept cracking jokes, as he read off multiple labels on items from the shelves. As we finished, carrying the cart to the front, Ed flashed me another warm smile.

"Rhy?" I hear my name, snapping me out of my happiness trance. My eyes darted to a woman I've known all my life. My mother.

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