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"Do you work tonight?" I ask Ed, sitting up as he lowered the volume on the television. He glanced at his watch, nodding in response before sitting up, too.

"Yeah," he chuckles, "if you hadn't asked me that I think I might have been late. I start my shift in about twenty minutes, actually."

I roll my eyes at his priorities. The cafe must have not been at the top of his list besides Breaking Bad. Speaking of the show, I was actually growing quite bored of it. I stood up with Ed, who moved to his bedroom.

He returned a second later, holding another hoodie. "Coming tonight or do you want to stay here and watch more?" He asks, pulling the jacket over his head.

"Going with you," I breathed out. I knew how much Ed seemed to enjoy the show but I did not. Maybe the show gets better later on...

"Do you want another hoodie to wear? It's a bit chilly outside," Ed asks. I gave back his other hoodie earlier because I didn't want him to think I was going to keep it. I would love to keep one though; his smell was heavenly.

"Okay," I say, moving towards the door as he dashes back to his bedroom, emerging again a minute later. "Here you go," he says, throwing me a light green one. I smile, tugging it over my head as he nods in approval.

"Looks good," he compliments, moving to the door as well, opening it up for me to pass him. I walk out, still fluffing my hair and tugging the hoodie down to comfortably fit.

We walked side by side towards the cafe in the chilled air. It wasn't awkward, I just enjoyed his company. He was like a friend I already knew how to be comfortable with.

"Maybe I can show you a few things tonight," Ed says in thought, opening the door as I follow him.

My eyes caught his in surprise, "w-what?" His words caught me.

"Oh, I meant all the coffee combinations and such," his face went red. "I didn't mean it like that..."

I laughed it off, shaking my head. "It's my fault for taking it wrong. M'sorry."

Ed shook his head as he slid behind the counter. I watched as he bent down, his hoodie slipped up a bit to show his boxers. I blushed a bit, hiding it with the sleeve of his hoodie I wore as my eyes scanned the empty cafe shop.

"Maybe I should have brought my book bag," I say, knowing I'll be here awhile.

Ed stood back up, pulling an apron over his head. "You study an awfully lot."

I shrugged, walking back to the counter. "Can I take those coffee lessons now? No one is here."

Ed nods, watching me as I slid over the counter. "That never happened," I laughed as I tripped, stumbling. Ed caught me, helping me gain my balance once more.

"Nope, it didn't." I smile at him as he kept my eye contact. My heart skipped a beat before I could glance away, pulling easily away from him.

"Okay, here," Ed starts, pulling at a lever.


Three hours and five coffee stain blotches later, I seemed to grab the hang of the coffee orders. A couple customers came in and I even took them, as Ed leaned back against the counter and watched. He was there in seconds time if I was to mess up-which I happened to not.

He locked up after us, as I yawned. "God, I'm so tired." I admit, pulling the hoodie tighter around me.

Ed's eyes crinkled at the sides as he smiled down at me. The apartment was the same and comfy feeling. I seriously could get used to this.

"You can sleep in there, if you want. It's much more comfortable than this couch," Ed says, patting the back of the furniture on the couch.

"I can sleep on the couch." Ed shook his head, "take the bed. I swear I have been the only one ever in there."

My mouth slowly parted, unsure how to respond. Rhy, it's okay. He may be a stranger and you just met him, but it'll be alright. He would have kidnapped you by now...

Plus, he's the only one ever been in there. Well, he did just buy this apartment, but he could have always had this bed.

My feet still moved into the bedroom, and I called a goodnight to Ed as I shut the door behind me. This may be weird or too soon, but I wish he was there with me. He seemed so cuddly with his size and smile. I sighed, pulling off my shoes as I climbed into the bed.

The smell of him lingered heavenly, getting me to drift off with it.



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