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bambam are you free?
can i come over

um sure
what's up tho

i'll tell you when i'm there


bambam opened his apartment door to see a red eye, tear stained cheeks and swollen face hyemi. as bambam was about to question, hyemi wrapped her arms around him, startling him.

she softly sobbed while bambam hesitantly brings his arms up to pull her closer. he stroked her hair gently as she cried. for some peculiar reason, bambam felt his heart ached as she poured her tears out on him.

they stood there for awhile before bambam heard her sobs getting softer. "let's go in and talk about it, okay?" bambam suggested in a soft voice receiving a nod as a response.

bambam closer the door behind him and led hyemi to the couch. "stay here," he said as he walked to the kitchen,  pouring her a cup of water and passing it to her.

hyemi took a sip as bambam sat down next to her. she placed the cup gently back on the table and tried to stabilise herself. bambam gently circled her back as she did. "whenever you're ready," bambam had told her.

hyemi took a deep breath before speaking. "yugyeom texted me just now. he asked if i did it with you and i said yes. he got overprotective and i told him to stop acting like he cared. then we had an argument and he called me unreasonable and childish. he said he didn't understand why i was jealous of jimin. i guess i kinda lost it and i told him to stop being friends. he then said his true feelings but i blocked him after that and yeah." hyemi rambled which made it hard for bambam to catch but enough to get a gist of it.

"do you mind if i see the conversation?" bambam hesitantly asked her, he wanted to know the exact details just to understand the situation.

hyemi took out her phone and unlocked it, entering the app to let bambam see the conversation.

bambam scrolled through the convo between them and as he read, he got a little annoyed at yugyeom's immature behaviour. he couldn't believe that he would say such a thing to his best friend. bambam finished reading and he would be lying if he said he wasn't pissed, he was very angry at him but he didn't know why. he was just angry at him for hurting hyemi.

"what should i do bam?" hyemi asked in a soft, helpless voice.

bambam placed her phone down and turned to hyemi, holding her hand. "i'm not so sure myself but do you still want to continue the friendship? i mean what you have said could've been out of anger."

"i don't know bam. i want to but at the same time, i don't. it's tiring liking someone who doesn't even see you the same way. it hurts too seeing them being happy with someone else."

bambam hummed, trying to think of a way to comfort her.

"i, myself, haven't really been through this but if i think this friendship is not going to work out between him and you. you see, you like yugyeom so much but he can't see it cause he likes jimin. he starts to take you for granted and sometimes forget about you because he's all over on jimin. if you really want, you can just be friends with him but for now, you should sort out how you feel." bambam advised her, trying the best he could.

hyemi nodded slowly and sighed. "you're right bam, i should and thank you bam. i wonder what i would do without you."

bambam's heart fluttered and he smiled at her. "no problem hyemi, you know i'm always here for you. now, you should get some rest. it's getting late."

hyemi nodded and bambam passed her some of his clothes so she could wash up and get ready for bed.

"i'll sleep on the floor, you can sleep on the bed."

"are you sure?"

"yes, don't worry. i like the floor."


"no buts, just sleep."


bambam turned off the lights and both fell asleep after exchanging their night greetings.

"bam-ah, are you awake?" hyemi asked in a quiet and shaky voice.

"hmm?" bambam muffled a reply.

it was three in the morning and hyemi had woken up because of a nightmare. she was sweating and shivering at the same time. tears were threatening to spill as she called bambam.

"what's wrong hyemi?" bambam in a croaked voice after hearing her faint breathing.

"can you-" hyemi took a deep breath, "can you come up here?" she asked timidly.

bambam compiled and climbed up to the bed, letting hyemi scoot closer to him. he placed a hand over her shoulder and squeezed it gently.

"nightmare?" he asked and he felt her nod. bambam held her close, his heart beating faster than usual. thoughts were rummaging in his head but he pushed them aside because he wanted to focus on the precious girl next to him.



"what did he mean by finding out what type of person you are?" hyemi asked, her hand reaching out for bambam's free hand.

bambam sighed. "it's probably because he thought i seduced jimin because she was hanging with me. you know the time they fought."

a small 'oh' could be heard from hyemi and they entered silence once again.


"yes love?"

"stay with me," her voice full of desperation, "please."

bambam smiled to himself and nodded, "i'm here hyemi, don't worry. i won't leave you."

he somehow sensed that hyemi smiled to herself as she got comfortable. bambam laid down beside hyemi and hugged her close. her soft and steady breathing calmed bambam down from the fast beat his heart was making. he felt his eyelids getting heavier and as he was about to fall asleep, he heard hyemi whisper.

"you know bam, i think i'm falling in love with you."

"i think im falling for you too, hyemi-ah."

- end -

a/n: oops im a mean author! continue this plot in your head :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2018 ⏰

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