Chapter 17 - The War

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While they were on their way to the island, Andy explained what was going on. The war started with Raymount's king being assassinated. Not long after it happened, they found the assassin and executed him. The country was thrown into chaos, because the king had no family that could take over for him. This lead to a dictator, Zaina, taking over. Zaina attempted to imperialize Raymount. Under Zaina's rule, Raymount started to demand land from Esterwynn. When Esterwynn refused, Raymount tried to take it by force. This lead to the war. It's been a stalemate since it started. Esterwynn has superior technology and fire power, but Raymount has far more people in their ranks.

"So why don't you just take out the dictator?" Branimir asked.

"We wouldn't be much of a peace organization, if we attack someone to solve a conflict." Andy responded.

"Well what do you plan to do?"

"That's what we're going to the island for. We're meeting up to discuss how to solve this situation."

"Oh. Well we're going kinda slow. Can this thing go any faster?"

"Kid, this boat is going faster than just about any boat you'll ever ride."

"It's slow. I could swim faster."

"This boat is going 310 miles per hour! No one can swim that fast!"

"Watch me."

Branimir jumped out of the boat. At first, he started to fall behind the boat, but in just few seconds he had passed it. Andy was in aw of what he seen. A child just swam faster than a boat going 310 mph. Branimir made his way back to the boat.

"If your that quick, why don't you just pull the boat?!" Andy questioned

"I could, but I've got a better idea." Branimir responded with a grin.

Branimir got on the boat. He closed his eyes and took a breath. The water around them became still. Then Branimir opened his eyes and pushed his arms out in front of him. The water rapidly rushed forward. Andy fell down on to the floor of the boat, as the boat rushed forward. He got back up and looked ahead. He could barely see a thing. Everything was passing by so quickly.

"How am I supposed to see the island?" Andy asked.

The boat came to stop, "Is this the island?" Branimir asked back.

"How did you...?"

"Just went the way the boat was pointing until we reached an island."

"Your insane. What would you have if we passed the island?"

"If we passed the island, then you were going the wrong way."

Meanwhile Elden and Irene made it to the docks. Elden was searching for a boat to ride.

"I felt him!" Irene shouted.

Elden looked away from the man getting him tickets for the boat in surprise and said, "Are you sure?!"

"Yeah, but it went away."

"Do you remember which way?"


"It's fine, we'll find him when we get there."

Irene smiled and shook her head in agreement.

"Sir, your tickets." the ticket salesman said.

"Oh yeah. Thank you." Elden said as he took the tickets, "Alright! Let's get going Irene."

Irene and Elden got onto the boat and waited for it to leave. They looked around and noticed that there weren't many people on the boat. There were only two other groups on deck. The boat was small, but had room for more people than this. Elden figured it must've been because of the war. Not many people would be willing to run out to a place at war. They'd take the chance of getting caught up in the mess.

"Hey, Irene. Come here." Elden said.

Irene ran to him, "Ok."

"Sit down."


"Early you said you felt him, right?"


"Do you remember how it felt?"

"Uh... kinda. Why?"

"Close your eyes and try to remember how it felt."

She closed hers eyes and tried to remember. As she concentrated she felt like she was drifting of into another world. She started to see different colored lights around her. They were all different sizes. Some of them were moving and some were close to her. Then she noticed a really bright, green light of in the distance. She opened her eyes and saw her dad in front of her with his hand on her head.

"Daddy?" She said.

"Did sense him?" Elden responded.

"Um... I think so. I saw a green light, but I couldn't feel like I did before."

"That's fine. I think that was him."

Irene started at him, "How do you know?"

He smiled, "Just a feeling. Anyways, it's been a long day. We should go get some rest."

They went inside the boat and found their room. Elden went to bed, but Irene couldn't. She wanted to try sensing Branimir again. She closed her eyes and tried to sense him. The lights started to appear again. She saw the light that Elden said was Branimir, but she wondered who the other lights were. As she looked at the lights. She began to feel them again.

Then she felt a very dark presence. There was a black light in the distance, the only one. The presence grew stronger and Irene became frightened. She jerked around, but couldn't move from the spot she was in. The presence continued to grow. As it did, Irene's eyes widened, she started to sweat and cry.

Irene started to black out. Then there was a flash of light. She opened her eyes to see her dad shaking her. She felt the tears running down her face and her heart was racing.

"Are you alright?! Say something, Irene!" Elden questioned her.

Irene didn't say a word as she laid her face on his chest crying. She cried for a while.

"Don't you ever do that without me again. Got it?" Elden said.

Irene shook her head yes. She didn't know what the black light was, but it felt familiar to her. It left her too frightened to go to sleep. She crawled in bed with Elden, but still didn't go to bed till early in the morning.

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