Chapter 7 - September

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About three weeks later, Branimir got up on a Monday morning. He had noticed no one was up. He was sure that it was a school day. Why wasn't anyone up? Did they forget? Maybe it wasn't something he didn't know about? He went to Vera's room to ask about it.

"Its Labor Day. You get of school today and for about a week for fall break, this month." Vera told him.

"Why?" He asked.

"Labor Day is a federal holiday. You get out of school for federal holidays. Fall break is just as it sounds. It's a break from school during fall."

"What is fall?"

"It's one of the for seasons that happen on Earth."

"What are the other three?"

"Winter, spring, and summer."

"What are seasons?"

"Alright. I think that's enough questions for one morning. Your teachers will tell you all about the seasons eventually, but if you want to know sooner rather than later, I'll look it up on my computer later today."

"K, but I think I'm going to head out to train for a while."

"Why are you always training? I thought that other kid had stopped causing trouble."

"He said 'For now'. So I can't be for sure. On top of that, I want to go back home and see if the war has came to an end."

"What if it hasn't or if the side you belonged to lost? Will it really be safe for you?"

"That's why I want to train."

"Alright, but try to be back before each meal."

Then, Branimir left the house to go to the forest. Branimir new he wasn't strong enough to fight anyone from the enemy forces, but he thought that fall break might be his best chance to try. By this point, Branimir had a basic level of control over his Terra and Aqua Geihika. He couldn't obtain the power of Ignis, because the only source of fire that was large enough to obtain the Ignis Geihika was a volcano. A volcano was to hot for him to train in. So his only options were digging up the the space pod and train further with Terra and Aqua. He figured that the most efficient course of action would be to dig up the space pod, eat breakfast, see if the space pod needed fixing, and then train. Little did Branimir know that it wouldn't work out that way.

Meanwhile, Gedeon is searching for other space pods through a radar on his space pod. This radar was designed to find other space pods wether it was moving or not. It couldn't detect anything at first, but when Branimir started digging out his space pod, the signal, starting feint, got stronger as he dug it out. When Gedeon saw this, he tracked it location and headed of to where it was at.

Not to long after Gedeon got a signal on hi radar, Branimir finished digging it up and filling the hole. As he intended to, Branimir went to the house to eat breakfast. He got there just as Vera finished fixing his plates. Branimir finished his food and went to check the space pod, but as he walked out the door he could faintly sense Gedeon's Geihika near the pod. This couldn't be could. Being able to sense his Geihika at all meant that he's purposely giving away his position. Is it bait? Over-confidence?

Branimir ran to his space pod. When he got there he found Gedeon sitting on the space pod.

"So why'd you waste your time digging this junk up?" Gedeon asked rudely.

"Why are you getting into my business?" Branimir responded with a bit of anger in his voice.

"Because it's been made my business."

"Who exactly made it your business."

"Now that..." there was a pause, "is none of your business."

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