Chapter 8: The Good and Bad Times (2)

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Taehyung's POV

"Taehyung bro!" the guy from last week approached me again. I leaned on my locker as I stared at him boredly.

"So.." he started "Have you considered our offer?" he asked hopefully

"No." I said firmly.

"But you should be honoured, our gang isn't that bad. We're even placing you as our leader if you join. You can gain a lot of benefits from it." he said

"Like what?" I scoffed

"Like of course being feared in campus, we saw how you fought that guy who tried to harass your woman! Daebak!"

My.. woman, How I wish she really is mine. I remembered last week when someone tried to harass Jisoo. Luckily I was nearby when I heard the commotion, I beat that guy up in front of everyone. Tsk tsk, he deserved it.

"Like I told you. We're not that bad, every night we play games at the computer shop. We practically own the 2nd floor there, then we have some other gangs who we call.. erm enemies. But thats only because they once messed with our gang, its more of like a squad if you call it." he explained

I knew Jisoo wouldn't like it. But who cares, Her words from three days ago still rang in my ears. After I accompanied her home.

"Thank you for everything Taehyung, you're a really good friend"

She knew we were getting close, she knew something might happen between us. So she said that and emphasized the word friend in front of me. Like she's saying, oh hey thanks Taehyung don't get it wrong you're just a friend to me nothing more nothing less.

I could probably protect her better like this, and let her stay away from me. I'm not worthy of her, and she's not worthy of me. That's the cruel truth.

"Fine." I muttered.

"What?" the guy asked, shocked.

"I said fine. I accept your offer." I shrugged

"Well then, welcome to the gang bro, the name's Bo Yi, but everyone calls me Fatty." he said casually.


Its been 4 months since I entered the gang. It was easy, but my plan didn't go well. Jisoo still talked to me, she keeps inviting me to eat with Hyumin, wander the city, events and many more which I tried to come up with excuses.

But I gave up when she invited me to her birthday party. I had to be there.

And so I went,

I was working part time at a cafe and after my shift, I removed my apron and quickly dashed out. I rode my bike all the way from the cafe to her mansion. Her birthday would be held there.

Once I reached the gates, I heard chattering and people laughing. I heard them singing happy birthday, and just as I entered my gaze fell on her. Blowing the candles. Her gaze also went to me, and our eyes locked.

She was wearing a white lace dress that reached to her knees and she had a white crown filled with pink roses on her head. She had light makeup on which made her features stand out, she looked like an angel.

Some of the guests stared at me then I heard that voice. Which snapped me back from my trance. I diverted my gaze from her to that woman.

Hee Seonmi.

The one who made our lives miserable, the one who despised us so much.

I heard her whispering something to Park Xiu, her husband. Then she looked at me again disgustingly.

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