Chapter 10: First Love Down the Drain

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Jennie's POV

"Its okay Unnie, Its not really a big deal. Mianhae if I bothered you over a small thing" I said sheepishly and bid my goodnight to her and went back to my room.

I slammed the door shut, locking it in the process and leaned against it

"Funny.." I snorted "Seems like fate can't erase you out of my life eh?" I muttered to myself.


"Do you really have to leave?" I asked as I gripped on to his shirt, tears threatening to fall.

He turned to face me and smiled sadly "I'm sorry Jennie, but to pay my family's debts, I have to work for it. I've just been a burden to you and look at you now.." he trailed off, sighing "Your parents have cut off your access to your bank accounts and you rarely receive allowance because you've been helping me pay our debts." he said, caressing my face tenderly

"B-but..." I started but he put a finger on my lips

"Shhh, don't worry Jennie. I'm not gonna be gone forever"

I took a deep breath and wiped the moisture welling up on the rims of my eyes

"Yoongi, p.. promise me you'll come back for me?"

"Promise me that you won't leave me alone?" I asked, clutching on to him helplessly.

"I promise" he said without hesitation and kissed my forehead..

"I better get going" he sighed "Goodbye Jennie.." he muttered and turned to leave..

But as he walks farther away, I feel my heart crumbling. The next thing I knew, I ran to him and hugged him ever so tightly, tears streaming down my face.

"I love you Yoongi.." I whispered, sobbing helplessly "Now go.."


"Jennie I'm coming back tomorrow" Yoongi said through the video call which made my eyes widen in disbelief..

"Really?" I asked

"Really" he smiled.

"I'll wait for you" I chirped happily which made him smile


Yo, this is Min Yoongi, quite busy at the moment, please leave a message. I'll get back to you later *beep*

I gripped tightly on my phone, its been five hours, 5 hours. I've called him endlessly, I sent him messages asking if he's okay, asking if something happened. But still no sign of Yoongi.

I went to the front desk to ask if his plane landed safely, the plane arrived ages ago. But where's Yoongi? Where is he?

In the midst of the airport full of people, I sat helplessly, tears spilling down my cheeks to my phone..

"You said you'd come back for me.." I whispered, my voice cracking

"You said you won't leave me a..alone.." I hiccuped..

I didn't know how long I was slumped there, looking lifelessly ahead, hoping he would show up, waiting for him to come back.

I suddenly saw a pair of black sneakers stop in front of me, Yoongi always wore black sneakers. I raised my head up, my vision blurry from my tears

"Y-yoongi?" I managed to crack out

"Woah miss, you okay? Oh who am I kidding. You're not.." he muttered

"Get up miss, you look pathetic just sitting there and crying" he said casually, I rubbed my eyes and looked at the guy, he was tall, taller than Yoongi, he had messy fawn hair and blue eyes, his hands were stuffed in the pockets of his sweats as he looked at me with slight concern.

He reminds me a bit like Yoongi..

"N-no.. I'm waiting for someone" I managed to say hoarsely..

"Pfft" he scoffed "Its obvious that someone isn't coming, come on miss you'll just tire yourself waiting for someone who won't come.." he said reaching his hand out

"Je..jennie, my name's Jennie.." I muttered as I grabbed his hand, he smiled and pulled me up.

"Well Miss Jennie, the name's Luke."


I didn't notice that I was already sitting and resting my head against the door, Luke was the campus playboy that time, even though he toyed with me, he did help me mend my heart back together, we even tried to find Yoongi, but to no luck, we didn't find him.

I only found out he became a model in Korea when I read a magazine, he didn't even tell me or get in contact with me, my heart was aching so bad that I lost will to eat or even sleep, I got depressed to the point that I would suicide, But Luke helped and taught me how to be tough. I kind of like also substituted him as Yoongi at first

well can you blame me? I'm just a heartbroken girl and he happened to drop by and bring me to his dorm, comforted me, stayed with me for the rest of the night, then helped me get over Yoongi.

But I can't deny the fact that I fell in love with Luke as time passed, there was a point our relationship was serious. But he said I meant nothing to him, that I was just his friend on the night I caught him cheating on me, like it was no big deal. And that, hurted me the most.

It felt like Yoongi all over again. So I swore to myself, I swore I would never get involved or let alone, fall for a man again.

But I failed, because I had a major crush on someone close to Jisoo.

I thought I'm inlove with him, I was too blinded that I even recorded Jisoo and Hyumin's confession to each other, just because I overheard my mom planning an arranged marriage between me and Hyumin. I left the recording to let Aunt Hee hear it on purpose, my plan worked..

But I felt guilty towards Jisoo. She looked upset earlier, she looked like she didn't want to be married. And that made me feel even more guilty.

I realized I just admired Taehyung too much,  I didn't fall for him, I simply admired him.

I realized that I'm a selfish bitch who deserves no love at all.

I don't need to avoid Yoongi tomorrow, because Yoongi? Oh, he's just a stranger to me.

My first love, that had gone down the drain. Forgotten.


Wassup! Sorry for the long wait, here it is.. If you don't remember Luke you can refer to Jennie's history on the CAST BIOS

Apologies for typos and grammatical errors.

Erererer.. Plot twist ey? Jisoo's own cousin... Wow.. Oh well *shrugs*

Class is almost starting  TT *sobs*

And alsoo, I just gave out the story title on the story we're working on at our collab account lololol.

Btw, I'm a transferee and I'm also antisocial so I'm friggin anxious for school. Please give me strength TT

Owemjii I know the A/N is too long already but did you see Blackpink's moving posters?! Like what the freakin eff I'm so hyped up for their comeback

Do you think Jennie is an antagonist of the story?

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