Panic Attack

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(John's POV) 


I scanned the battle field, the dead bodies of our men and the enemies men covering every inch of the ground. I took a deep breath. It's over.

I heard the distant sound of marching soldiers as their faces became visible rising over a nearby hill, guns in hand. Do they know the war is over?

I cautiously pulled my gun from my coat and cocked it. Holding it to my side. 

They came so close I could see begin to see the whites in there eyes. They pulled out their guns and began to aim. 

I swiftly pulled my gun from my side, propping it against my soldier. I took careful aim during each shot, taking out two or three soldiers. 

I began to reload as I felt a burning sensation it my chest. I hesitantly moved my hand to my chest. I moved my hand in front of my face to see it covered in blood. 

Suddenly I wasn't on the battle field, but in a bar. I looked around confused, I spotted two dark silhouettes in the distance. I approached them slowly, recognizing the faces. Herc and Laf. 

Hercules had his large hand locked around a bottle of whiskey as he brought it to his lips. Tears visibly streaming down both faces. Laf wipes his eyes and leaned on Herc's shoulder, taking strained breathes. 

I reached my hand out to touch them,but I was gone.

I then found myself in a house. A ghostly empty feeling decorating the atmosphere. I roamed around a bit and came to an open door, distant crying coming from inside it. I carefully walked in to see an all to familiar face. Alexander, clutching a letter.

I walked up to him and examined his face. Bags under his eyes showing lack of sleep, his usual tied back hair messy and strewn about, tear stains visible. I heard his voice, ever so softly.

"John, why the hell did you do it?" His voice sounded so fragile, as though he would break at any moment. 

"Alex...what-" I tried to put a hand on his shoulder, but it went right through. I stared at my hand with horror. My eyes found the way to the letter. I skimmed it for any useful information.

'On Tuesday the 27th, John Laurens was killed in a gun fight against British troops.'

That's all I needed to see. Suddenly I felt sick to my stomach, my knees buckled in and I fell to the floor, hugging myself. I screamed out for Alex, as if my screaming could somehow make me visible to him. But I was alone.


And then I woke up.


My eyes shot open. Blood coursing through my veins, my chest rose and fell intensely as I struggled to get air in. 

I fell off my cot and huddled into the corner, hugging by knees and staring at my feet. I didn't dare close my eyes.

Suddenly I heard footsteps approach me. I saw two feet stop in front of my own. I tilted my head up to see Alexander, worried expression on his face. 

I shivered at the thought of having to explain to him, replaying the scene over and over in my head.

However, he didnt ask. He simply knelt down, an understanding look in his chocolate brown eyes. He suddenly engulfed me in his arms and pulled me into his lap. Repeating the words "just breathe," over and over again. 

I listened to the sound of his heartbeat as I matched my breathing with his. 

"Alex I-" I began to speak but he cut my off. "Shhh, you don't have to talk,  I don't need to know, thinking about it again will only make it worse. Just breathe, keep breathing."

I was going to speak up but closed my mouth. Ghost of a smile on my face. 

I drifted to sleep listening to the pattern of his breathing.

{so what did you guys think? I read a lot of John comforting Alex during panics attacks when it rains, so I figured I'd change it up.

Anyway, this is the first one I've finally typed from my phone to my computer, I have about 3 more ready and more in the works.

Anyway, bye guys}

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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