Chapter 2

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"Well look who we have here boys." An evil looking grin rests on his ugly looking face. His friends grin along with him.

"It's the mother killer." My wolf growls in my head from that sentence. She knows we are innocent, but everyone else thinks we are guilty.

"For someone who's hearing is so good, you seem to only be able to hear rumors and lies." Ryan's grin turns sour and his pulls me up by the shirt.

"Say that again and we'll see how good your hearing is after I'm done with you." He drops me, causing me to land on my tailbone again. This time however I yelp at the pain. His buddies snicker at my yelp as they all walk by me. Slowly, waiting for them to leave, I pick my books up and walk into my classroom

"You're late Miss Parker." I look up at my teacher. Like most of the teachers, he's a werewolf. He hates me as much as everyone else in the pack does.

"Sorry, I got distracted and lost track of time." The teacher scoffs and just tells me to take my seat. I race to my seat, avoiding the outstretched feet meant to trip me and pencils sticking off the side of desks meant to scratch me. The students who don't manage to get what they want grumble at the fact that they didn't get me. Once I get to my seat the teacher continues with the lesson. Something about Alexander Hamilton and our founding fathers. These classes don't mean much to werewolves as we have a different history than humans do. Settling into my chair, I begin to lose myself within my own mind.

The bell rings telling everyone that it's lunch time. I race out of the classroom to avoid tripping and stuff being dumped on me. I've learned my lesson way to many times that waiting for everyone else to leave isn't such a good idea. Thankfully I manage to avoid all the wrong kinds of people while heading to the library. I don't go to the lunch room because 1. I have no money for food and 2. The lunch room is where some of the worst damage can be done, so I just avoid that room all together.

'That smell.' For the first time in awhile, I realize my wolf is genuinely excited. You can tell she's excited by the emotions running through my head. 'Adelina, it's that smell again.' I nod my head, knowing what that smell means. However I don't want to investigate who it's coming from. The fear that it may be someone I know who hates me is just overpowering my will to go investigate.

I jog into the library and the smell seems to dull. Sighing in relief I go over to one of the tables, and pull out my homework along with study materials. Thanking the moon goddess that I have early out after lunch due to being a senior, I realize I may be able to avoid the person with that amazing smell for the rest of the day. Plugging my headphones in, I begin to listen to my music while working on some class work.

"For someone so smart, you sure are stupid." I wipe the blood off my face while staring up at Ryan and Corinne. Corinne sneers as I just stare at them glaring. Not saying a single thing.

"What. Are you too scared to say something now?" Corinne giggles.

"Nah just don't wanna hurt your precious feelings by saying something." I stand up slowly to regain my balance, but quickly lose it as I'm pushed right back onto my ass. Looking up, I can tell Corinne's face is red with anger. She hates what I talk back to her in front of her boy toys and her friends.

Corinne begins to say something, but her eyes dull as a message is sent through the pack link.

'Everyone, today is the return of the Alphas son Rowan. Everyone member in the pack will attend the ceremony of his return. Once the ceremony is over there shall be a party in the back yard to celebrate him being home. The ceremony begins at 8pm so everyone please be in the backyard of the pack house by 7:55.' Once the message is over Corinne's eyes light up as she begins to discuss how the alphas son will look with her friends.  Completely forgetting about me, she grabs Ryan's arm and walks off with everyone else following her.

Making sure they aren't coming back, I get up grabbing my books and backpack.

'You really should stand up for yourself.' My wolf speaks up quietly.

"And get myself killed? No thanks." Making sure I have everything I walk out the high school and off the campus. Since the pack house isn't far from the high school most werewolves walk, or get rides. However since I can't drive and have no friends, I walk. Taking the bus would be way to dangerous, so I avoid that altogether.

Opening the door to the pack house, I immediately know I'm going to be busy tonight.

"Adelina, you need to get dressed nicely then begin working." A pack member says to me while holding a clipboard.

"Won't every wolf have to be at the ceremony though?" The pack member looks up at me.

"Every pack member that doesn't have work to do. Yes." I sigh at her statement, knowing that I was going to have to work.

"I'll be down in a few." The pack member nods and races off to do something else. I watch as she leaves then I slowly trudge up to my "room".

"Every pack member who isn't working." I mimic my pack member as I get dressed in the only nice piece of clothing I have. A strapless red dress that used to be my mother's. The dress, even though it is old still looks beautiful. It was the only thing I got from my parents and I treasure it. Looking at the time I know I have to get downstairs or it won't be a good night.

Opening my door I smell it. That amazing smell I got from school. My eyes widen and I quickly try to get away from the scent.

'Please Adelina go towards the smell!'

"I can't!" I move as quickly as I can to the kitchen, a place where I know the smell won't be, since only working wolves can go down there and as of right now, I'm the only working wolf who goes to school.

Finally making it to the kitchen I close the door quickly.

"Adelina you are late." I turn around and recognize the pack member who told me I had to work.

"I'm sorry, I got distracted." The pack member rolls her eyes and tells me where to go. Putting my head down to not draw any unwanted attention I go to my 'station' I guess you could call it.

"Adelina, we will need those plates brought out to the backyard now!" I nod and pick up the plates, quickly walking outside. As soon as I walk outside I recognize that almost the whole pack is out here already. My inner mind curses at the thought of having to weave through them but I know I can manage.

"Excuse me." I begin to weave through my pack members towards the table with all the food and things on it. Then as fate would have it, a foot seems to magically get in my way.

"Oops." I try to regain my balance, but know I can't. However instead of immediately hitting the ground, someone catches me.

"Are you alright?" Looking up, I stare into the emerald green eyes of the person who's smell I recognized instantly.


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