The Letter

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Author's Note

I'm really sorry about the last chapter. I tried to upload it to wattpad and it got deleted. Sorry you may be extremely confused.

Hopefully this will help.

Katie found out the stranger she ran into was Brandon Jacobs the bad boy of the school. Katie and Brandon ran into each other and chatted At the end of the day Brandon sits with Erica and Katie on the bus and invites them to a party. At the party Katie and Brandon drive away leaving Erica there. Katie and Brandon stop the car and fall asleep in the middle of nowhere.

Hope this helps. :-)



I opened my eyes to unfamiliar surroundings. Where was I? I looked like I was in a car. But who's car was it?

I looked down to see someone's arms around my waist. I looked behind me to see they belonged to no other then Brandon Andrews.

I looked at the time it was midnight. My mom must be freaking out! I turned to Brandon and shook him awake.

"Brandon, get up I'm an hour past my curfew and my mom is probably really worried" I said

"Ok what's the address?" he asked


We got to my house about 20 minuets later. My mom was happy that I was ok but I still got grounded.

Today was my second day of school. I

was beyond tired but I still had to go. I got ready and headed downstairs.

"You got a letter sweetie" my mom said sweetly. She handed me the letter.

"Thanks mom" I said

I wonder who would send me a letter I mean why couldn't they email me or text me none of my family sends letters. Who could have sent this?

I opened it and read:

Dear Katie,

Hey Katie, are you doing all right

everyone was worried when you

left last night. My family is moving

people took all of our stuff already.

Your Friend,


That's weird maybe Brandon will know

something about this.


I was waiting on the bus for Brandon to come. We were finally at his stop. he joined me in the back as he entered the bus.

"Why do you look worried?" he asked

"Did you know Erica is moving?" I said handing him the letter " Read it"

He read it over and over again "Something didn't add up this makes no sense do you mind if I keep this for today" he said

"You can have it. Just, please try to figure it out." I said without any emotion as I walked away weakly.

Where could she have gone? I know I shouldn't be worrying so much but, she was my first friend.


The whole day I had been thinking about about that letter. It made no scents at all. Why would she come to school for one day and leave the next?

"Hey can I talk to you?" Brandon whispered to me extremely anxious.

"What is it and can it wait I have math?"

I asked curiously.

He shook his head frantically. "No it's really important" he answered. "It might have something to do with Erica's letter"

He said still obviously anxious.

I looked up at him "I'm coming" I replied and following him thought the hallways to the library. We sat in a corner where the librarian couldn't see us.

"What did you find?" I whispered.

He pulled out a flashlight and held it under the top right corner of the letter.

"Read that" he said pointing to the corner that he shed the light on.

"Read message vertically" I read aloud.

"I think she wrote it in white out maybe. I have know idea why she would have any but she's a smart girl she had to code it in somehow." he began. "I haven't read it yet. I wasn't going to without you. so we read on three." he gulped "ready"

I nodded and took a deep breath "ya" I said quietly.

"Ok 1.....2...." He took a deep breath "......3" we both read.

My eyes widened and a tear fell from my eyes as soon as the closed. "Oh my god" I choked out.

"No! No! No!, no this can't be happening again!" Brandon yelled. He stormed out of the library nocking over a chair or two in his rage.

I found him behind the school. He looked extremely stressed out.

"Brandon what did she mean by help?" I asked cautiously. He slid down the wall and sat down, I joined.

"Katie this all happened before, about two years ago. Her name was Emily she was fifteen and she was the closest thing to a friend I ever had and I'm going to be honest I was in love with her." he swallowed struggling to speak.

" After about a month she disappeared I thought she was just mad at me but I was wrong she was kidnaped. Two days after she disappeared I got a letter it said she hated me. I studied it for hours and I finally read it how she wanted me to. I said help like Erica's letter." He struggled to hold back tears.

" I looked for her everywhere I never found her. Two months later police found her body she was pronounced dead on August 12." he finished tears streaming down his face.

"Don't cry please." I begged. He looked so stunning it was painful to see him suffering. I couldn't stand it.

"Um...I need to tell you something that no else can hear it. Do you mind if we go to my house so I can tell you?" he asked politely

"No that's fine, let's go." I said. He lead me to his car and we drove to his house in silence.


The letter said help if you didn't

catch on

Sorry about my grammar and



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