new song

21 8 9

Petite chanson écrite pour la fête des arts

If we could find a place to go
Run away somewhere we don't know
Will you let me take this train
I don't have a reason to leave
It's just something that I need
Cause I don't wanna stay

I'm looking for some paradise on the earth
To fix the broken pieces of my heart
And we can't always lie or fake a smile
So let me be Happy before I die

There's hope hide somewhere just look around
Who's ever told us stay stuck on the ground
In my mind there's such a mess
But some love and happiness

I'm looking for some paradise on the earth
To fix the broken pieces of my heart
And we can't always lie or fake a smile
So let me be Happy before I die

Des "Before I die" un peu comme on veut

I'm looking for some paradise on the earth
To fix the broken pieces of my heart
No lies again
A real smile
And we will be happy
We will be happy before we die

 Going NowhereOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant