Part Five

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Becca's pov:

I've been in New jersey for three weeks and I leave in two days, these three weeks went by fast, I would have stayed longer but I couldn't my work only allowed me three weeks off. Mikey still never told me him and Jake are moving, and I still couldn't tell him how I felt, maybe it's not meant to happen between me and him.

I was just laying there in Mikey's bed, not wanting to move not wanting to get up, I just wanted to lay down and sleeping everything away. Lissa started calling me "Hey girl, happy to be coming home?" I heard a smile in her voice "Yes and no." I tried to be happy but I couldn't smile, how could I smile when the one person I love it's being honest with me? "He still hasn't said anything to you, did he?" she ask "No," I sighed "If he doesn't say something to you soon about him leaving B I'm sorry to say but he'll just end up like the other guys." That made me think for minute maybe she's right, maybe Mikey isn't right for me. When I hit, the end call I got a message

Unknown: baby, I'm happy you're coming home. I have so much planned for us J

Who is this person? I've been thinking about what Lissa said, could Mikey be just like them? Could it be true I'm just wasting time on something that'll never happen? All these questions keep running through my mind and I don't know what to do, or what to even say to him.

Jake walked into the room "Hello my little sister." Jake lead on the bed next to me "you okay?" he propped his head up "Are you and Mikey moving?" I looked at him "That's a talk between you and Mikey. Your both in love with each other but blind to see it." I punched Jake in his arm "Jake, you're my best friend it's a talk I can have with you too." He laughed "Yes we are," I felt a little better but it wasn't from Mikey like it should have been "How did you know?" Jake questioned me "I overheard you a few weeks ago."

Mikey and Tyler walked in after me and Jake got done talking, "Yo you need to talk to her, stop trying to avoid it and just talk to her. She already knows." Jake got up and walked out the room, he grabbed Tyler by the shirt and pulled him out with him and shut the door behind him. "So you know?" Mikey rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the floor "Yeah I do Michael," I got up and put the rest of my things in my bag, "I wanted to tell you," I turned around and cut him off "When? The day I left you were going tell me? Or were you going to call my phone and tell me? Michael, we never keep anything from each other, why keep this from me? I told you what JC did to me and you hide the fact that you're moving, I might be over reacting but I don't think I am because I love you Michael, and it hurts me knowing you didn't tell you were moving." I threw my shirt in the suitcase "It hurts you? It hurts me knowing I didn't know how to tell you Becca. And you know what you're right you are over reacting because I'm being honest, I was going to tell you but the looks of it I'm glad I didn't." He picked up my phone and threw it on the bed like the phone meant something "You have a guy back home, that loves you and I'm such I'll never be what you need." He went to leave the room "What the hell are you talking about Mikey?" he didn't turn around or anything "The messages Becca, the fucking messages. I saw them, that's why I held it back." I put my hand up "I don't even know who those are from!"

Me and Mikey just went at for an hour fighting "Know what fuck this, fuck you. I'm leaving. Since clearly you don't believe me that I don't who the guy is and that you claim you don't know the girl." I grabbed my bags and walked out the door, Jake tried to stop me "Jake let me go, I'm done and I'm going home." He let my arm go and let me be.

I took every bus to airport, "One ticket for Florida." The lady handed me my ticket, and I had to wait a few hours, "Now boarding, Florida." I walked on to the plan and took my sit, I put headphones in started playing 'Shraban - Never love again'. I can't believe Lissa was right about Mikey, my best friend of five years never thought he would turn around and be like every guy out there who did me wrong, I should have known he was playing a game.

Mikey's pov:

Jake came storming into the room after Becca left "What the hell did you do?" he threw his hands up "I lost her Jake. She already has a boyfriend and she's done." I fell to my knees and cried, "Bro, come on. I know she loves you." I forced myself to stop crying and got up and started packing for LA "Come on, we got to pack." I hit Jakes shoulder.

The next few days were weird without Becca here, I shouldn't even be thinking about her, she's done and moved on, and that's what I'm going to do. I'm not going to be able to love someone like I loved her, no one will be able to compare to her, no one is going to make me smile like she did, no one is going to make me laugh like she did, thinking about it now I don't think anyone will be able to fix me because it's not her. But, I have to push through and move on, I'll do what I have to do to get to where I need to be.

Jake and I finally made it to LA "What's going on YouTube? Mikey Manfs here with Jake Dufner. We just landed in LA, hope you like this little fanatic we made." Jake and I started to get settled down in the new apartment. The place was really nice. After looking at the apartment, Jake and I went around town, the place here was so expensive but that doesn't bother me. Jake was recording "Manfs we got to do flips." We both got hyped up and started doing back flips.

We walked into one of the stores, there was this group of friends, it reminded me of Becca. When Jake and Her and I would hang out at the mall and try to get kicked up, "Mikey?" Jake touched my shoulder "Yo?" he saw me dazing "You miss her?" I just looked at him and walked away "Bro, come one you can't seriously be mad at her." Jake followed me "I am and it's staying it that way. So now drop it." I ended the topic, I went to pull my phone out but my dumb ass dropped it. When I picked up my phone I got a message, I thought it would be her but it wasn't.

Unknown: Hey Mikey

Mikey: who is this?

Unknown: Gabi

Mikey: sorry you have the wrong number.

Unknown: no this is the right number; Becca gave it to me. I'm one of her friends that she was with when you called her to come to New jersey.

I left the message on open, I don't know a Gabi, and if Becca did give my number out I'm totally done. I decided to massage Becca.

Mikey: I can't believe you would give one of your friends my number. Don't even bother texting or calling me back, I won't answer.

I went back to the apartment, I edited my video and posted it, I got up and walked into the room that was going to be Becca's when I was going to ask her to move in with us. Lights up in the corner, grey bed set frame and stuff, flowers sitting on the desk I got her, with a note and a necklace that has a 'M' on it. The day I was going to ask her to move in with us was the day before she left us, and once we got here I was going to ask her to be mine. But now it's all gone and over with.

I walked out the room shutting the door behind me, Jake walked up the stairs "Not going to say anything." He walked into the bedroom, without a word about her. I went and took a shower, I checked my phone, no messages but from 'Gabi', I didn't bother answering. Part of me wish she would call, but I know she won't.

"Mikey?" I heard a voice sweet and mellow, I rolled over and she was standing in the door way "Yes?" I covered myself with the blank "I can't sleep, can I sleep with you?" I reached my hand out letting her know she can, she took my hand in her hand and lead down next to me, I put my arm around her, you could smell her perfume, "Goodnight Mikey." I kissed her head "Goodnight beautiful."


Hello my loves again,

I could have uploaded yesterday but I got too busy with trying to find the place I was supposed to go to for my interview so I said nope and went home but today somewhere in 2-4 I have an interview but I'm going to call them when I get the chance and set it up with the lady who calls me. And if your wondering why the titles are like this, it's because I'm doing it by days, kind of to explain but hopefully someone understands the titles.


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