Chapter 3

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Waking up is the easiest part of being a vampire because I don't feel tired or sleepy in the mornings it's kinda great

I get up without waking Mila up I replaced myself with a big pillow and she snuggles into it as I get a shower and then get dressed and walk out of the room and down stairs the girls are still asleep

I suppose they will be hungry when they wake up so I quickly drink some blood and then start to cook breakfast for them

Living for years on end gives you a chance to become a professional at some things I guess they smelt the food because they started to wake up I set the food in front of them

"Where's Mila?" Lauren asks me "oh she's in my room" I say setting her plate down in front of her "why she in your room?" she says with a hint of jealously in her voice making me look at her

"She's asleep she came up last night because she couldn't get back to sleep because of Dinah" I say making them all look at Dinah

Dinah looks at me "what did I do?" she ask me "you were snoring last night, I could hear you from up stairs" I say making her blush and the rest of the girls laugh at her

"It's true we could" Mila says coming down stairs rubbing her eyes tiredly and the girls smile at her and she sits down and I give her the food and they all start eating

Soon they finish and I wash up the dishes I have to go to the library and return the book as it's due date is today I'll have to try it another time and then I'm going to see my friends and my best friend that I've known since we'll forever were all vampires so yea

"So what you doing today?" I hear Ally ask "well I have to return the book and then I'm going to see my other friends later" I say looking at her she smiles at me "can we come we have nothing to do today?" she asks me "sure why not I'll let them know" I say and she jumps happily and walks off to tell the girls

I pull my phone out and text my friend

Y/n: Hey I'm bringing some of my friends around their human and their not dinner okay. I know what your like, cya soon. xx <3

Ellis: okay okay I won't eat them and it's cool cya soon xx :)

I put my phone away and walk out of the kitchen seeing the girls are ready so I grab the book and we all leave to go to the library the walk in a comfortable quiet silence

We get to the library and I go in while the girls wait outside and I go up to the reception desk and put the book on the desk this young man behind the desk smiles at me "hello there how can I help you beautiful" he say with his British accent

"The due date for this book is today so I'm returning it" I say making him grab the book and look at it for a little while he then looks at me "gothic or emo?" he asks still with a smile on his face "neither" I say and he check the book to see if it is okay but then he says "can I have your number?"

"No sorry" I simply say looking at him "oh come on why not it will be fun" he says with a little bit with hope in his eyes as he check the book in his computer so I can leave

"look I'm flattered and all but it's still a no" I say making my way back to the girls but he follows "please I'll make sure it will be fun, you never know until you try" he says walking beside me

"Trust me boy. I've tried and I didn't like it now please I have to go somewhere" I say as I keep walking "well can I come? I finish in five" he say making me stop

His boy just won't give up will he I look him dead in his eyes using my hypnotizing powers

"I'm not the girl for you, your find the woman for you one day now go back to work" I say still looking him dead in his eyes he nods and walks away

I walk out of the building and see the girls taking among themselves they see me and smile "what took you so long?" Normani say I just shrug

"Let's go meet Ellis" I say as we all start walking "Ellis that's a nice name how long have you known each other?" Lauren asks as we keep walking

"A long time, since we were in dippers" I say looking at her she smiles and nods her head

Soon we are at her house I open the door and walk in as she left to door open for me and the girls walk in the house and it is silent I look around still nothing or no one to be seen

Then someone jumps on my back laughing taking me by surprise "girl you took forever" I hear Ellis say on my back with a big smile I hold her up on my back and walk with her on my back into the living room "I could of took longer so stop your complaining" I say as she laughs

"The gang is here they just turned up, but don't worry I told them to not eat your friends" she whispered the last part to me "where are they?" I ask as she points to the back garden I turn and look at the girls "Ellis this is Lauren, Ally, Normani, Dinah and Camila" I say and she waves at them with a smile on her face "hi girls you must be y/n friends that she was talking about non stop" she says I look up at her but she just shrugs and smiles at me I just roll my eyes and turn around "I just told you about them five minutes ago" I say to her and she giggles

I walk outside with Ellis still on my back and the girls following I see the gang hanging around the tree house that I made when I was a young girl with Ellis

They see us and run up to us in a human like speed and hug us tightly and spin us around laughing

"Oh we missed you y/n where have you been?!" Jacent says and they all let go of us Ellis jumps down and walk to Holly's side with a smile on her face

"Well I'll would like to introduce everyone to these girls over here" I say looking at the girls "this is Lauren, Ally, Dinah, Normani and Camila" I say and they all say hello "girls this is Jacent, Ellis, Holly and Harris" I say as they all just started complementing the girls and then take them away talking to them

Soon we all just started to talk and shit with a little bit of messing around I was given a vampire drink in a wine glass from Ellis

I see Harris laughing with Normani he then lifts her hair to the side and leans in with his teeth on show I quickly walk over to him and grab him by the ear "we're be back in a minute" I say as I drag him

"ow y/n I'm sorry I'll stop that hurts stop" he wince as we are inside "what the fuck do you think you were doing?!" I say loudly he look terrified

"I'm sorry I couldn't help myself I'm just so hungry and she look so delicious" he say making me slap him making his head get thrown to the side as he holds his cheek and then looks back at me

"Ow" he say and I give him my drink "here keep your hunger under control or I'll have your head on a spike" I say grinding my teeth together he takes it and drinks it

"Better?" I ask as he nod "yes thank you and I'm so sorry my Queen it won't happen again" he say as I sign "whatever if I see that happen again you're dead. You hear me? dead." I say seriously making him nod without hesitation

I walk back outside as Harris follows slowly with a shameful look on his face but I don't really care I couldn't even if I wanted to

Why am I so protective over these girls?

"Hey what was that about?" Jacent asked "he tried eating Normani" I say looking at Harris

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