Suicidal death

41 4 0

She sits with the music blasting in her room.

Her parents banging on the door but no one can get threw.

Then takes the deadly metal to her skin, the beed's of blood appeared.

She put down the razor then lit the match and let her skin burn.

Her lips went from a frown to a smile.

She whispered into the air, "Maybe I won't be staying a while."

She took the rope and tied it to her curtain rod. She stood on a chair then jumped never saying goodbye.

Her parents finally coming in and seeing what happened but they never wondered why.

They knew that their little girl was hurt and in pain.

And they didn't do anything about, which was pretty vain.

Hey guys. I hope this doesn't cause people to be triggered just be careful.

Please and thank you.

Stay strong.

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