Death happens

22 3 0

I'm ready to go back,

This angel wants to go home,

but the gun was gone,

And she was alone,

The pills were there,

But she didn't know,

The blades of metal at the finger tips.

Then through the bleeding skin.

Metal to skin,

Fire to self,

Brushing felt anything but good.

She wrote everything down in her notes.

Then marked it with her name In blood.

Everyone could know she suffered.

Now they know she's back home.

She wasn't meant to last for ever.

And they knew that.

But they didn't care.

Or even try to help.

Because they knew she was all better now,

That god had her all cleaned up.

Now she was there making good memories.

She was only and angel,

Sent to show people,

That death is a deadly thing.

And could happen to anyone.

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