Silent thoughts.

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She sits quietly on her bed at 3 am.

She has no one to talk to except the deadly Sue.

She crys silently as the cuts get deeper.

She screams silently as someone is in her mind.

"Kill yourself nobody loves you."

She listens to the voice and takes the pills.

Knocks and screams from outside the door.

Deathly howls screaming from outside.

"Don't you dare think somebody cares"

She pops the pills and the next think that pops is her.

She is broken.

Like a vase.

And craked, like a shell.

She is alone but used to it by now.

Her last words were

"Goodbye hell and hello hell." And that was the night she died.

Hey guys so these are just some poems and stuff.

Deathly thoughtsWhere stories live. Discover now