The bus

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The bus arrives in 4 minutes, so Joshua and I are in a near bench waiting for it.

For my surprise, his hand is still surrounding mine. I don't and I won't push it away, it feels good to have his company, I can't lie... It's funny how my hand is completely surrounded by his, mine is half the size of his hand, that kind of explains the height gap.

I see the bus's lights, and when I was about to get up, Joshua pulls me strongly back to the bench.

-Can we go on the next one?

Why should we go on the next one? I look at him, he's pressing my hand to his chest, begging.

I nod with my head and sit comfortably, again. We don't talk for minutes, we don't really need to. We both know how much we need each other's company. 

Joshua's left leg is trembling. I press my unoccupied hand on his leg and he nervously pulls it away.

-What?- I say.

-I don't like when people touch my legs.

-Oh, I am sorry.. I didn't know that.

How stupid I am.

-No problem.

And his smile is back... how am I supposed to react to such beauty? I do not know if I can control myself any more.

Bus number 32 is back, we both get up and go into it. We sit on the back of it, behind an old cute couple. When I see old people who seem to be married for a long long time I always think "Am I ever going to find someone that I don't get bored of when I spend all day beside him?" 

I look at Joshua, who's looking at the window, still grabbing my hand. Why does he worries about me so much? He is doing so many things for me and, me? What did I do?

His eyes are like a dark hole, impossible to figure out what's inside. He seems nervous, his leg is shaking, again.

We finally arrived. Joshua and I leave the bus and when we are near my house and I say;

-Do you want to drink or eat something?

-No, thank you. I should go and get prepared to our meeting later.

I feel his hand sliding. Time to let him go... I never thought I would miss someone's hand so much...

-Ok then, see you soon!- I say.

-See you!

I see his wide shoulders disappearing little by little, on the street's corner. He waves at me before he completely disappears, and tells me to go inside or I will get sick. I comply his order and go home.

I should call Bella and ask for an opinion about what I should dress.

-Hello?- Bella says.

-Hey! Wanna come to my house and help me choosing the perfect outfit?

-Oh yeah! You called the right person! I will be there in 15 minutes.


I am still shocked with the fact that she answered the phone, I bet she has some kind of fashion smell, if it smells like fashion she will definitely answer. 



Are you ready to see what is going to happening on the "meeting"? 

(It's "not" a date) ahah

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Have a nice week!

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