Part 1

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Klaus and Caroline Kiss in my way but the conversation is real and when they kiss it's real too just this is my version of it.

Btw the part before "This is my lock inn" is 5x11

Klaus and Caroline walking in the woods

Klaus:So, the quarterback has been saved. What now?."

Caroline: Don't you have a dying girl you need to go punish for her sins?."

Klaus: I do, but I won't, for you."

Caroline (looks at him unconvinced):So you came all the way to Mystic Falls just to back off when I ask you to?."

Klaus: No. I came all the way to Mystic Falls to gloat over a corpse-to-be, (She smiles) as you so poetically put it (He stops walking) but I will leave-(she stops turns around to face him)- minus the gloating - in return for one, small thing."

Caroline:And what is that?."

Klaus:I want your confession."

Caroline:My confession? (Confused) I didn't do anything. (Caroline smiles,Klaus grins but a nice grin) Confession about what?."

Klaus:Me....(Carolines' smile slowly goes away) As soon as we're done here, I'm going to walk away and I'm never coming back. You'll never again have to look me in the eye and cover our connection with hostility and revulsion. you'll never have to loathe the darkest parts of yourself that care for me, in spite of all I've done. (he takes a step towards her ) I will be gone and you will be free.....I just- (He sighs) want you to be honest with me."
Caroline hesitates
Caroline:I'm in college. I'm building a life for myself. I have plans and a future and things that I want and none of those things involve you. Okay? None of them!."

Klaus:I see."

Caroline:No you don't! Because-..Yes! I cover our connection with hostility.. because yes, I Hate myself for the truth. So if you promise to walk away...Like you said, and never come back. Then yes. I will be honest with you-I will be honest with you...about what I want.."
Klaus hesitates
Klaus:I will walk away. and I will never come back. I promise."

Caroline slowly approaches Klaus. As she comes within inches of his face.


She kisses him,bringing her hand to his cheek. She pulls back but then raps her arm around his neck and kisses him again (it's a little deeper)

(This is my kick in)
She breaks away and pulls her shirt off, She pushes off his jacket and pulls his shirt over his head. They are now kissing very passionately he pushes her backwards against a tree. She raps her arms around his neck.

Thirty minutes later

They are on the ground covered in leaves and such. Shes laying her hand and head on his chest. He sighs

Klaus:Did I mention I miss you?."

Caroline giggles and kisses his chest.

They realize it has gotten darker. (Aka it's dusk)

Klaus:Caroline, I have to tell you something."



Caroline:Wait." She sits up

Klaus:what is it?." He sits up too

They here voices Elena and Stefan's. Caroline gasps and grabs her bra and jacket and puts them on then her leggings. Klaus rushes with her.

Klaus:So, I guess this is it."

Caroline:I guess so."
She makes a leap at him and he wasn't expecting that so he falls backwards. He lands on the ground with Caroline on top of him they laugh.
Stefan and Elena hear laughing what sounds like Caroline's laugh so they follow the noise and stop in there tracks when they see Caroline on top of a shirtless Klaus. Caroline is jacketles (or her shirt is off in other words cause her shirt got ripped in half) Elena's mouth drops open she is surprised but also seems a bit amused. and Stefan just..Has a plain look on his face. They are now make out.Elena starts to clap. They stop and get up Caroline and Klaus look at each other.

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