Part 6

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Later Elena comes over
Elena:Seriously, Caroline! You judge my relationship with Damon when you're screwing him of all people?" She questioned
Caroline;Elena I thought you were cool with this."
Elena;Cool? I only acted like that cause I interrupted something... Twice ."
Bonnie:Oh god."
Caroline:We weren't Doing anything when you did."
Elena:The first time you were starting.."
Caroline sighs:Okay so?."
Elena:So? He's everyone's worst enemy! He almost killed me! What do you see in him?."
Caroline:What do you see in Damon? Do you remember what he did to me??."
Elena:yes. And I asked you first."
Caroline:We have a connection."
Elena:A Connection...You two have a connection. Your the complete opposites!."
Bonnie;you were always so mean to him."
Caroline:Yea I know."
Elena:So if you have a connection why were you so mean to him?. Why did you cover up your connection with him?."
Caroline:What makes you think I covered it up?."
Elena:Because you were Mean to him...."
Caroline:So were you!."
Elena:Yes but he tried to kill me. And I didn't Sleep with him!."
Caroline:Okay to piss you off more.. It was Great. Now to Damon. What do you see in him?."
Elena;He's good now. I love him."
Caroline:ew. I will Never accept you two together."
Elena:And I won't accept you and Klaus."
Caroline:We're not together. Besides he went back to New Orleans, To Elijah,Rebekah and Pretty little pregnant werewolf."
Elena:Pregnant? Hayley's Pregnant? Who's is it?."
Elena:And yet you shagged him?."
Caroline raised her eyebrows questioningly
Elena:Even more Ew. Be glad your a Vampire."
Caroline:What's wrong with having a baby?."
Elena:As a teenager... Oh nothing.. Just harder,you would get these judgmental stares,there may be problems with the baby like weigh less at birth,A teen mom raises the probabilities of infant death, blindness, deafness, chronic respiratory problems, mental retardation, mental illness, and cerebral palsy. In addition, low birth weight doubles the chances that a child will later be diagnosed as having dyslexia, hyperactivity, or another disability."
Caroline felt tears come to her eyes. She knew Teen pregnancy was STILL a Big issue, but it still hurt her. She also knew that when it comes to Kids having Kids America is number one.
Caroline:See what? U had sex when u were still human,I had sex when I was still human well that point I couldn't help it.."
Elena:Well that was With Vampires nothing would've happened."
Caroline sighed smiling to herself
Caroline:Nothing. Just how good it felt to kiss him and have him-."
Elena intorups her:Okay! I still think it's gross. But if you liked it then.. Fine. So do you like him?."
Caroline:Well I don't Like him,But yes I have feelings for him. And like something's about him."
Elena looks confused:How can you have feelings for someone with out Liking them?."
Caroline:Like you did with Damon while you were dating Stefan-..oops."
Elena:You liked him when you were dating Tyler?? When did it start?."
Caroline:I don't know! He just grew on me after a while.. And you said it yourself a few months ago you already knew it you said 'Maybe you should try to turn it all off? Who knows? You might stop whining about how Tyler left you. Added bonus:You wit have to feel guilty about all the dirty thoughts you have about Klaus.'."
Elena:I had my emotions off!."
Caroline:So? You still knew. And I quote:Might be nice to have a bad boy ruffle those perfect feathers."
Elena:I- that's not fair. I was miserable."
Caroline:Did you think we were sleeping together?."
Elena:No!. I know your Not a cheater."
Caroline:Then why'd you say it?."
Elena:I don't know.."
Bonnie:Okay. Guys. It's done. Elena is back,Caroline you acted on your feelings. By the way where IS Klaus tonight?." (Elena and Bonnie look over at Caroline)
Caroline:In New Orleans."
Elena:Already? I mean it must take like Hours to get there I mean over in France..."
Caroline:It's the one in Mississippi."
Bonnie and Elena together:Oh."
Caroline:But to be honest it's nice to talk about ANYTHING But Elena."
Elena:Anything huh? Who started the Sex you or Klaus?."
Elena:Who kissed who first?."
Caroline:I kissed klaus."
Elena:Who-.... First."
Caroline:I am SO not answering that."
Elena:You SO are!."
Caroline:Your acting like Katherine right now!."
Just then the doorbell rang Caroline got up hoping it wasn't Hayley,Tyler or Damon.
Tyler:Where's your lover?." (He is drunk)
Caroline:Ty-." grabbing her
Tyler:Where is he Caroline!." Wolfing up
Caroline:New Orleans!."
Tyler scoffs:Good." Calming down
Caroline pushes him away. And slams the door
Caroline walks back to her room
Bonnie and Elena:Tyler?."
Caroline nodded
Caroline:I have to make a call."
Elena and Bonnie:To Klaus?."
Caroline gave them a look then left
Caroline on the phone:Come on,come on.."
Klaus picks up:Miss me already?."
Caroline:I think Tyler's coming after you. Again."
Klaus:And you want me Not to kill him?."
Caroline:Either way is fine. Just wanted to let you know."
Klaus:Thank you Caroline. Anything else?."
Caroline:Tell Hayley I said hi?."
Klaus:Will do." They hang up
Caroline comes back to her room
Bonnie and Elena staring at her
Bonnie:Cone on! Just admit it!."
Caroline:I already admired it by sleeping with him."
Elena:Did you say it though?."
Caroline:Say what?."
Bonnie:The three words."
Caroline:Guys I am Not in love with him!."
Bonnie and Elena gave her a 'yeah right' look

Caroline:I'm not!." She isn't so I desisted not to say she i

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