Part 4

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Tyler comes in without knocking.

Caroline:Tyler? Get out!."

She smelled a lot of alcohol on his breath.

Tyler drunk:You know what? I knew it! I knew you had a thing for him even while we were going out. I knew it! I should have broken up with you along time ago Care!."


Tyler:Don't say anything else!. I'm not finished. Do you love him?."

Caroline:Tyler you're drunk."

Tyler::Do you? Or do you not?."

Caroline:I-I don't know. Just go home Ty."

Klaus came out as Tyler left

Klaus:What did he want?."

Carine gave him a 'look'

Caroline:Don't tell me you weren't listening."

Klaus grins.

Caroline's mom came home.

Liz:Caroline. Can I talk to you?."

Caroline:Umm sure."

Liz's room

Liz:Honey. Why him? Why not Tyler?"

Caroline:I can't get Tyler back. espesLly not now. And I don't wan to."

Liz/:Why not?."

Caroline:Because I slept with Klaus. And because he chose revenge over me and Klaus would choose Me over revenge."

Liz:So your saying you'd choose Klaus over Tyler? Why?."

Caroline:Because he puts me first,because he saved my life more then once,because... Mom just give him a chance please."

Liz sighs;Okay. For you. Not for Klaus."

They leave her moms room

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