A Burden

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A war maiden swift as the breeze and as elegant as a falling leaf strikes her opponent down to the ground with her last strike and cuts down the bulb on his shoulders.

"Nice kill Niima!" said Tourg.

Niima, a beautiful Noshi that has bright gold eyes and white colored fur with grey dots. Being 23 summers old , she still wishes for many more adventures.

"You can't even wield that huge sword of yours so why waste the time trying to swing it?" Niima said to Tourg.

Tourg is a giant built Salamander from the race called the Flogulans or "the scaled people." His race was looked down upon until they destroyed their slave owners in the 50th era. He carries a huge sword that he calls "Yogoula". It is almost twice his size and maybe even heavier than himself. His scales are a solid bronze from living in the desert so long as his race can adapt to such climates quickly.

"Do not call Yogoula some huge sword. She is my partner that has slayed as much as you"

"That huge sword has almost cost you your life many times. Well anyways we got the bounty now lets get to the client and get to the hell out of this forbidden camp"

"Niima is right. We must move before someone else comes and we run into more trouble" says Grug.

Grug is a human, one of the human races. There are a total of three human races. The Kolds that lived in the snowy mountains and regions such as Grug. The Hiats or the desert humans, that walk the very deserts we are in, and the Free-Lancers, which are the diplomatic people that lived in their high fly castles. Grug, himself has a legend that says he has killed a whole village of a rivaling clan by himself in the snowy regions.

Niima is a ferocious and swift fighter that uses 2 different shaded blades; one tinted green and another red so people remember her name. She is a great fighter that works for money. She'd kill anyone if they tried to grab her drink while she's at a tavern.

Tourg is not the brightest but definitely the strongest physical fighter in their group. He carries his sword, Yogoula proudly on his back, scales harder than brass plates but not as hard as steel. He is known as "The Great Wall" because when he is in battle, all the swords in the world can hit him and he wouldn't know due to his tough scales. 

"We got the head now, where's our coin?" Niima said annoyed.

"500 silver pieces for the drug lord, Ju-Buuk," the client said.

The client is a Hiat. He wore a rich robe that is red and white and a emblem of a lion on the back and he wore too many rings. The room we were in smelled like a mixture of mint and rotten milk. 

"Wait, your promised 500 silver pieces, where are the other 100?" barked Tourg alertedly.

"What made you think you will leave alive? You see, I'm also a drug lord and against that pitifull rival of mine, I am now open for more buisness selling more Banzoo than ever"

The trio reaching for their weapons were ambushed by the drug lords thugs at a disadvantage. 3-30.

Tourg, young and being himself said the most immature words at the standoff. Grabbing Yogoula slowly from its sheath, he blurts, "Shall we begin?"

Niisha grabbing and throwing one of her blades at a thug, it sliced right between his chops and with the other hand she used the other blade as a shield to cut through arrows. Grug took out his axe and drank his last drop of wine. Grug then snapped which could only mean one thing. Grug ran out of wine in his canteen. Grug entered this berserk rage and slaughtered many. Tourg obviously taking most of the hits, swung Yogloua around like crazy and sweeped a opening for Niima as she was slicing down the thugs swiflty and firmly. Niisha knew martial arts that helped her with unarmed and armed attacks.

"Grug we have to move!" yelled Tourg.


Niima then came up with a idea, "You be my shield and I'll knock him out and drag him. All you have to do is defend me,"

"Easily asked for"

Tourg rushed into the fray and in front of Grug waiting for Grugs next strike as he is powerful enough to crack open Tourgs scales. Niisha then came around and wrapped her legs around Grugs neck in a leg choke hold. Grug struggled and started to reach for his neck gasping for air before knocking out within seconds.

"Tourg let's get out of here!"

Niima dragging Grug and carrying his axe and Tourg slowly moving back as a shield, they knew it would be tough to get out of the place alive.

Outside, Tourg carried Grug on his shouler and Niima leading the way fighting through more and more thugs, it became difficult to break through the whole market place. Niima then decided to split up. They agreed to meet at the orange skies and the setting moon. Niima went south and Tourg with the unconcious Grug went north.

Niima heading south visited a tavern. Niima knew she would not see her friends in quiet some time. The tavern full of joyful and drunk fellows were everywhere.

She looked for information and how to go to the orange skies and the setting moon the safest. She asked other mercenaries and villagers.

"Hello sister," said another Noshi at the bar table. He had a thick Noshi accent and jet black fur with silver eyes.

"I am Hanzaza. It is a wonderful time to carry such goods as yours," as the Noshi looks at her armour and curves.

Niima annoyed at her fellow Noshi threatenly said, "You better not even think about touching any goods or I'll have your hand and head chopped off. Which one would you like to have cut off first?"

"Please sister, I just wanted to have a friendly conversation with another Noshi,"

"Then tell me what do you know of the orange sky and the setting sun?"

"I know much of that route. It is a slave trade that the royals of every race use to buy slaves. No race would be strong enough to even survive against them and lords can't send armies there to save them because they would lose their royal support,"

"It seems you know your stuff Hanzaza,"

"I never got your name sister,"

"I am Niima,"

Niima for the first time smiled for real as her and Hanzaza shared stories, laughter, and drinks. Hanzaza starting a party at the tavern put everything on his tab while his caravan followers steal things out of peoples pockets. Niima then fell for Hanzaza, drunk and jolly happy.

After the party, Nima and Hanzaza went into a private room where they showed their affection towards each other. Their bodies feeling each other and their love lasting the night.

The next moring was not the best as people noticed their valuables missing. Hanzaza packed up right away.

"Niima, come with me on the caravan. We can travel towards the orange sky and the setting moon,"

"No Hanzaza. It is best I go alone,"

Hanzaza with nothing to say packed up and moved on.

Niima couldn't bear her attraction toward Hanzaza and decided to catch up with him. Niima decided her life without him would be the greatest burden on her life. Traveling with her new husband she abandoned the mercenary life, selling her armor only keeping her tinted blades. Hanzaza's caravan decided to travel toward the orange sky and the setting sun.

A couple long months later, Niima bore a child. The child had silver eyes and a birthmark of a paw on his palm like his father. In his blood, he had black and white fur mixed together. A rare case called Noshi maton. The childs name is Panzzer.

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