Chapter 8

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Hi! The next chapter! Hopefully it meets your expectations! I'll get the next one up as soon as I can and hopefully it won't take a month.

Draco paced the floor in Severus's quarters, trying to understand all the information Harry just gave him. A lot of things made sense in a way; how he sometimes just knew something, how he reacted towards some people. How Harry found the chamber of secrets so easily. The list goes on. But... The one thing Draco doesn't quite get is Dumbledore. Sure the man is a bit weird and sometimes insane, this though? Draco wanted to scream- wanted to... To just break everything in the room in a huge fit of rage because how dare he; how dare he do that to Harry. Dumbledore obviously knew about the abuse the Dursleys were putting Harry through yet he did nothing. No, he kept sending him back instead, and on top of that purposely put Harry through danger with Voldemort and the triwizard championship. Draco heaves a sigh,running his hands roughly down his face as the door opens and Severus walks in.

"Draco?" A small crease in his eyebrows is the only hint to Severus' worry at the sight of his disheveled godson, "what happened?"

"Well, everything I thought I knew was just turned on its head and stomped on, repeatedly." Draco slumps into a nearby chair, Severus taking the one across from him in a more graceful manner.

"Care to elaborate on that?" Severus has an eyebrow raised slightly and a strangled laugh escapes my throat.

"Not really, no. It's not my place to tell anyone and even if I could I wouldn't. It's for Harry to tell when he is ready. Which I should probably go back before he thinks something ridiculous like he ran me off or some other crazy thing." Draco stood up and headed to the door, pausing before leaving, "sorry for bothering you. I hope Harry tells you soon on his own." Draco leaves and Severus is left staring blankly at the door before getting up to grab some firewhiskey.

Harry POV

It's been a while since Draco left to think things over and I can't help but worry. I'm half tempted to go find him when the door to our room opens and he walks in.

"Sorry for walking out like I did-"

"You can pretend I never told you-"

We start speaking at once before breaking off, and I can't help the small grin that appears on my face.

"You can-"


We try again only to stop, blinking at each other before bursting out in laughter. I clutch at my sides as they start to ache from the laughter that hasn't come from me so strongly in ages. Draco slips to the floor, breathing heavily as we calm down.

"So you're from the future?" Draco gets out, the question sobering us both and I sit on the floor beside him, leaning against the wall. Thankfully the silencing spells are still in place.

"Basically, yes. I hadn't really planned on telling anyone but maybe it's better if I tell at least the ones I'm closest to. I'm just not sure on how people would react to something like this." I run a hand through my hair with a sigh, looking at the floor.

"This changes nothing between us, okay? So don't you dare think it will. You're still one of my best friends and I'm not going to leave just because you are from a different time where we hated each other." I grin at him, grateful that he isn't going to hate me after all, his serious grey eyes cementing the truth in his words.

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