Chapter 12

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Terribly sorry this chapter is so short. And probably sucks. I wasn't really sure how to about this chapter and this is what I ended up with. Hopefully the next chapter will be better

The hospital wing is a flurry of motion as Severus and Poppy rush around grabbing potions and salves to administer to Harry's wounds. Severus has blood covering has hands and he has to block everything out to keep from demanding to know who would do this to his charge. Doing that would help no one and potentially make this situation worse instead of better. Seeing Harry laying in the hospital bed and extremely pale was making him queasy. Severus held back the urge to run his hands through his already messy hair and focused on the gash he was healing on Harry's leg. There were still three left. The first thing done was to slow down the bleeding so he wouldn't bleed out on them. He was able to get most of the bleeding slowed by then time Poppy had rushed down the corridor with a stretcher.

It's a half hour before they are done, and Poppy leaves Severus to clean up. He doesn't want to leave Harry alone, afraid the person would return and try to finish the job. Severus swallowed heavily.

"Dammit Harry. First Umbridge and now this. How the hell do I tell Tom?" Severus sighs, sitting in a nearby chair. That conversation is going to be a nightmare, he can already feel it. It's partway through potions class, where he's supposed to be but assumes someone took over, when Draco bursts into the room.

"Is he?" Is all the male can get out before his eyes fall on the prone form laying in the bed. A soft sound leaves Draco's throat, and he walks over to the bed.

"He's stable and resting. We have to keep an eye on him in case."

Draco numbly nods, eyes not moving from Harry's face, taking in the ghostly shade of his skin.

"You should be in class." Severus reprimanded, though didn't sound too upset over Draco being there.

"I came as soon as I heard. Pansy and Blaise wanted to come but I convinced them to stay behind. The whole school is talking about it now. They saw you and Poppy rushing him here and the giant puddle of blood he had been laying in." Draco's voice shakes as he reaches the end of the statement and has to look away from Harry or risk being sick.

"Do you know who would have done this?" Severus asked.

Draco starts to shake his head no but then remembers that Ron had been staring at Harry way to much that day. Harry hasn't said anything though so Draco figured it wasn't important but..maybe it was after all.

"I think it was Ron Weasley. He has been staring at Harry more than usual today and with a lot of malice. It makes sense that he would be the one to try something like this."

Severus sighs, not as surprised as he thought he would be, "go back to class Draco. Tell Blaise and Pansy he is fine. The three of you can return after dinner."

"Okay." Draco nods, quickly leaving to update his two friends. They must be feeling more anxious every second.

Class is almost over when I return and professor Sprout gives a small tut when she sees him, taking in his depressed expression. Knowing he's having a hard enough time, she doesn't give him a detention or removes points for running out like he did. She would have done the same had one of her closest friends been nearly killed without her knowing. She tells the class to go back to their writing, letting Draco explain to their other two companions what's happening. She does hope Harry will be okay, she rather likes the boy.

"Is he okay?" Pansy asks, she has a death grip on Blaise but he doesn't seem to mind.

"Well, no, but he's at least stable. Severus is staying with him for now. We can all go see him after dinner." Draco answers, not wanting to say much else while there are so many people within hearing range. Pansy relaxes slightly and the crease between Blaise's brows eases up, shoulders slumping a little in reassurance.

Harry POV

The sound of soft chatter is what greets me when I wake up. It takes a few moments for my foggy mind to realize who it is,and when I do I try to turn towards them. This plan turns into a horrible idea when white not pain flairs through my whole body and I groan, settling back down as gently as I can.

"Harry?" It's Pansy I hear first, and I blink my eyes open

"Hi guys. I take it I didn't die then?" I chuckle as much as I can, stopping when Blaise glares at me for the poor attempt at humor, "sorry."

"Just wait until Severus finishes telling Tom." Draco smirks down at me. I hold in a groan, not anticipating that conversation.

"It was Ron." I change the subject.

"We already figured. I told Severus." Draco answered.

"Should we tell the headmistress?" Pansy asked, shifting on her feet.

"No, it wouldn't do anything." I sigh, wondering if Poppy will give me more pain potions soon.

"But-" Pansy tries, confused.

"Trust me, please. It would only make this worse." I interrupt her, and she can only nod. A few moments Poppy walls over and ushers the three out so they aren't out after curfew . They reluctantly leave and she gives me the potions.

A few weeks later I am aloud to leave, though can't do anything strenuous and have to go to checkups, and I quickly find out Ron was given 3 nights of detention with McGonagall. I sigh at the news, knowing it was probably Severus who told her or Weasley's inability to keep quiet about anything. I nervously go through each day, waiting for Tom to message me yet too scared to message him first. I keep eating properly and talk to Aeron about my nightmares instead. He stops insisting I talk to Tom after the third week of trying. If nothing else, I will have to face him during summer break, at the Death Eater meetings. The thought makes me nauseous.

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