Fall Apart At Your Feet

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chapter two: fall apart at your feet
Veronica's P.o.v.
      I looked at the boy in the long trench coat, he seemed interesting. He seemed like he cared. He held me as I cried, he rubbed my hair, no one did that. I didn't let anyone do that, but with him, I felt okay.
"So, Veronica-" JD started, about to ask me something.

"VERONICAAAA!" Heather Chandler screamed up the steps.
I froze.

"Can we leave through the window?" I ask, quickly and nervously.

"Yes," he answered, without any hesitation. "Get on my back, I promise I won't drop you." I hesitated before getting on, but hearing
Chandler's angry stomps made me get on his back. He clambered out, and I held on tightly. I shut my eyes tight and hid them in between shoulder blades. The collar of his long coat flapped on my head, and suddenly, we were on the ground.

"Want off?" he asked, softly. I slowly and hesitatingly nodded as he let me slide off.

"Where to, darling?" JD asked in his soft and calming voice.

"I have no idea. I don't do much Tuesday nights," I admitted as he slowly took my hand and we walked down the sidewalk, the opposite way of my apartment.

"Why not?" he asked, intrigued. We could practically hear Chandler screaming my name, but I trusted this stranger to protect me.

"Well, uh, I have therapy on Tuesdays," I told him, not really hesitating like I had with anyone else. I lied to everyone else.
Funny how having a stupid string changes everything.

"I see," he replied, nodding. "How about we go bowling? Act like dumb teenagers even though we're 23?"

"I'm 22, but alright, I'm in," I laughed as he tugged me towards the bowling alley.
But whether or not it was actually him or the string tugging me, I had no idea.

JD's P.O.V.
I led the small, broken girl to the bowling alley and I heard her laugh and my God, was it the best sound in the world. Happy. Cheerful. And in the moment I held her, all that existed was her. I could feel everything inside that I buried deep down explode. It all exploded and I'm horrified about what I could do but I'm willing to get through it and fix it for Veronica Sawyer.
"JD, where is this bowling alley?" Veronica asked, panting as we arrived at what looked like a crack house but really truly was a bowling alley.

"Right here, Ronnie." I smiled and led her inside. "The outside looks like crack but inside is beautiful."
It was.
The floors were kept clean. Chairs were fixed and refurnished every few years. Everything had modern-ish tech.
But it was familiar and close to a home for me. My dad had never made anything home but this bowling alley was home ever since I moved to Sherwood in my senior year.
When we got inside, Veronica's face lit up. She looked happy and it was like what happened the past hour hadn't existed. Like I hadn't found her crying.

"Hey, Jason!" The owner, Jensen, greeted.
"I keep telling you-" I tried to tell him, but he interrupted.

"And I don't listen. Who's this beautiful young lady?" Jensen told me, putting a hand on my shoulder. Him calling Veronica beautiful made me feel possessive, but I had to remember that we're not together and I didn't want to be like Bud.

"Oh, uh, I'm Veronica. Veronica Sawyer," Veronica introduced herself, holding her hand out.

Jensen shook it and smiled. "I'm Jensen. I've seen your parents around, haven't I? The name Sawyer rings a bell."

"I believe my parents came here a few times," Veronica replied, frowning.

"How are they doing, by the way?" Jensen asked, leading us to the shoes. "Work going good?"

"Um, actually....they're not at...they're not at home anymore," Veronica told Jensen, still frowning.

He nodded. "What sizes?"

"7," Veronica said at the same time I said,"9."
Jensen nodded and while he went back to get the shoes, he kept asking us questions. Well, mainly 'Ronica, but one was for me.

"You two friends or something?" he asked, handing us our shoes.

"The something part," I told him, softly.

"Jason Dean, my boy! Did you find your soulmate!" Jensen cheered, hugging me over the counter.

"He did," Veronica replied for me, laughing, still holding my hand, but tightly.

"You two get a free game, it's a big moment in your lives!!" Jensen yelled.

"Son of a bitch!" Veronica yelled as I beat her for the third game in a row.

I laughed and she rubbed her forehead, looking like she was in pain.
"Hey, you okay?" I asked, my face quickly softening.

"Yeah, just a headache," Veronica whispered.

"How about I take you home and we finish this game some other time?" I offered, walking over to her and wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

She nodded tiredly and I kissed her forehead. "I'll even carry you if you want, Ronnie." She giggled and little by little, I fell in love.

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