Chapter Two.

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Sooo.. here's chapter two. Sorry it took a while to get this up. But the story's back! I'm really trying to upload as much as I can, not only to make up for the times that I can't, but also because I don't want to leave you hanging. Wouldn't it suck for me to leave a cliff hanger and then ditch uploading for a couple weeks? Answer : Yes. Anywaaays, I really hope you enjoy.

Chapter Two.

Our house was quiet. My aunt had picked me up from the airport and brought me back home so I could shower, eat, change and then go to the hospital to see my parents and Nick. The only noise in the house was the kitchen clock ticking, over and over.

I took a hot shower, pulled on shorts and T-shirt and headed downstairs to find my aunt sitting at the kitchen table, praying.

She looked up at me when I walked in. "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to.."

"I just finished." She smiled. I started going through the pantry, looking for something quick and easy to eat. I pulled out the bagels and put one into the toaster oven. I then grabbed organic peanut butter and waited for the 'Ding!' to go off.

"Did the doctor's say if Nick was making any recovery.. at all?" I asked my aunt while waiting. She shook her head, and looked around the room, anywhere but me. "Do you think he'll be okay?"

"None of us can be sure." She said, finally looking at me. I nodded and went back to focusing on my bagel. Once I spread the peanut butter on the perfectly toasted bagel, I put it on a paper towel and join my aunt Samantha at the kitchen table.

I tried to eat my bagel as quickly as I possibly could, wanting to get to the hospital and get filled in about what was going on. My aunt Samantha had always been really emotional when anything happened to our family. She would always spend hours praying and not talking or explaining to people about what had happened. It was just the way she was.

I threw my paper towel out and put on some vans. "I'm ready to go." I said to Aunt Samantha. She nodded and took her car keys out of her purse while following me outside to our driveway.

While we were driving the thirty minutes to the hospital, I took out my phone to check it's messages. There was one from my cousin Megan, one from Maria and two from Chelesa. All of them about what had happened to Nick.

We finally made it to the hospital around five. My parents were in the lobby, waiting for my arrival. They greeted me with hugs and kisses. My parents looked horrible; messy hair, bags under their eyes, wrinkled clothes from sleeping in the hospital and they looked extremely stressed.

"Honey, you can go on up and see him. Room 204. We're going to grab some dinner, do you want anything?" I shook my head, and went to the elevator. I pressed the 'close door' button with a shaky hand and headed up to the second floor where Nick was.

I walked down the long, white hallway nervously. I wasn't sure how I was going to react seeing my brother in such a condition. Room 200.. 201... 202.. 203... And then Room 204 finally came up. The door was slightly ajar, and I silently pushed it open.

Nick was out cold, wrapped in a million wires that connected to different machines. I sat in the chair that was directly next to his bed. I couldn't look at him though. My best friend, my brother, being this way. It was weird.

"Get better Nick, get better." I whispered to my brother. "You have to. For you. For me. For mom and dad. Please." Silent tears began falling down my cheeks, and I grabbed one of his cold hands. I started squeezing it, holding onto him as much as I could.

"Excuse me, miss. Sorry to interrupt. Are your parents around?" I nodded. I pulled out my phone and dialed my dad's number.

"Dad? The doctor needs to talk to you." I told him. He replied he'd be up in a minute. The only thing was, now I was sitting alone with a doctor, crying. He's probably seen a million people cry, I thought. I was still embarrassed though.

"Hello, Sir." The Doctor welcomed my father in. "Why don't you take a seat?" My dad sat in the chair opposite to mine. "So, I'd like you to give you the update on your son."

My father nodded, looking at the doctor expectantly.

"Well, I'm very sorry to tell you this, but we don't think he'll be able to recover."

"Nick's going to..." I started to say.

"I'm really sorry to tell you, but I think you should spend as much time as possible with him now." And with that, I bursted out into tears. My dad had left the room so quickly, probably to get my mom. The doctor followed him out.

I sat alone, with my dying brother. I couldn't stop crying. Life without Nick would be.. miserable. Unbearable. Torture. I told him everything, he helped me through so much. Like when my best friend, Taylor, stole the boy I liked. Or the time when I failed a test and lied to my parents about it. Or the time when we were playing football in the living room, and broke a lamp. Even the time when the boy who asked me to homecoming was a no-show. Nick was always there. Now he wasn't going to be; I'm not sure how I'm going to cope with that.

This summer had been so wonderful, and it just took it's turn for the worse. I hope that whomever hit Nick with their car, felt guilty. At least felt bad about what they did, what they caused. Can you believe someone would pull a hit and run? I couldn't. Especially not when it was on my brother.

All I knew now was that Nick.. was going to die.

Sooo. That's it. Sorry it's really sad. But, that's the book? I dunno. Anywho, I hope you enjoyed it. I didn't proof read. It's weird to be writing a sad story while listening to "Electric Feel" by MGMT. You're typing something like, 'He won't be able to recover' while the music in your ears is going, 'Do what you feel now, electric feel now'. It's a weird situation, haha. Have a good evening everybody :)

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