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"Ugh!! If my fucking hair would like to cooperate with me that would be really fucking nice". Why does this always happen to me?! I look naturally good literally everyday, but the days I want to look my best, something always goes wrong!! Why do bad things happen to good people!? Dammit, if I don't leave now I'll be late.  I'm just gonna have to do this on the walk to school. 

I grabbed my small leather backpack and threw in some white colored hair product and ran downstairs. 

Wait.. what am I forgetting?

I felt my face to realize my glasses weren't there.

"Fuck!!" I swore out loud to myself. 

I ran back up to my room to retrieve them, tripping on the way up. 

"Damn, you fucking useless legs why are you always in the way?!" 

I ran back down, grabbed my phone from the counter and slammed the door on the way out. Time for my daily walk to hell. 

I started down the street at a fast pace. We had one month of school left before summer vacation, and I couldn't wait for the days to come to an end. Although a month is still a long time, I thought now would be the perfect time to slack off. I worked hard all year long with perfect grades, nothing could hurt my grade at this point. Now was my time to examine all the fine guys that I could get with. However, even though I considered myself already on my vacation, I still want my attendance to be perfect, so I hurried to class. 

Walking with my headphones playing as loud as they could, I was unaware of my own surroundings. A tree that was in my path nearly knocked me to my feet when I had walked right into it. Trying to be more observant of what was around me, I got a text. It was one of my best friends, Taeil. 

Taeil: Where are you??! You're going to be fucking late!!

Taeil was the type of friend that everyone should have. He always looks out for Kyung and makes sure he doesn't do anything stupid. He may be short, but he isn't afraid to call you a fucking dumbass.

Just like Kyung, Taeil always had perfect grades and was super smart. However, he refused to slack off. He wanted to make sure everything that had to do with school was perfect. He didn't let anything distract him from his work, not even his secret gay side. 

Kyung: I'm on my way just relax

Taeil: Kyung I'm telling you now, if you're late because of your fucking hair again I'm going to fucking punch you

Kyung: Wow I love you too.. And it's not my fault your hair is always in a hat, you did that to yourself

Taeil: Bitch just get here!!

Taeil: ANd shut the fuck up about my hat!!

At last I finally made it to school. I had arrived just as our last bell to get to class had rang. I walked into a room of moderate talk from girls who were gossiping and guys who were busy coping each others homework. At the back of the class was my seat, where a particular short person was waiting next to it, with the same disappointed face that I saw everyday.

"Good morning, sunshine!" I exclaimed to Taeil, staring back with anger in his eyes.

"Sit down, you're nearly late!!"

"Ok mom, I'm sitting now"

"Don't call me- whatever, just sit down"

I sat relaxed in my chair and got out my things. I know I said that now would be the time for me to begin my vacation, but I couldn't resist doing all my homework. I know that whatever guy I find, he'll appreciate my ability to work hard. 

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