Chapter 5: Fangirl Count

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Me: You guys have yet another question!

All: YAY!

Me: From ADRIANNA3000: Do you know you are a book, like two whole series?

Percy: WE'RE A BOOK?!

Annabeth: Yeah. Don't you all know that?

All but Annabeth: NO!

Jason: Why didn't you tell us?

Annabeth: I thought you already knew!

Frank: What's the series called?

Annabeth: Well, the first is called Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Percy and I are in that. The next is Heroes of Olympus. We're all in that.

Leo: This Heroes of Olympus series.... is it famous?

Annabeth: Actually, yes. It's a New York Times bestseller, to be exact.

Leo: *fist bump* YES! You hear that, Festus? We're famous!

Festus: *creak, whirr, creak, creak, whirr* (translation: of course. I'm a dragon. I know all.)

Leo: I see how it is, you're a cocky dragon now.

Piper: Annabeth, do people know who we are?

Annabeth: Yep. We have "fangirls".

Jason: Who has the most fangirls? I bet it's me.

Percy: No, it's me!

Frank: It has to be me.

Leo: Come on guys, I obviously have the most fangirls! I'm the Super McShizzle Man!

Annabeth: Actually it's probably Nico.

All the guys except Nico: WHAT?

Leo: Okay, I was not expecting that.

Nico: Screw you.

Me: Okay... I'm just going to end this before it turns into a fight... feel free to rate!

Piper: And follow!

Hazel: And comment!

Percy: If you follow I'll give you a blue cookie!

You: *clicks follow button*

Percy: Sucker! You fell for that?! You'll never get my cookies! MWAHAHAHA! *runs away with cookies*

You: *runs after Percy* GIVE ME COOKIES!

Me: Okay...... Well I gotta go. Stay tuned for more questions! (but you might want to ask one so we can answer it)    :)

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