c h a p t e r 3 1

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jieun's pov

"Y-Y-Your not g-gonna do it r-right?" Shit, why did I stutter?

"Why? You scared?" He smirked and I just rolled my eyes

"Why should I even?" His smirk widened

"Well. . then, lets see what'll happen when we arrive back at Seoul next week huh?" He sat back and I just look at the window, and gulped

What did I just do I said in my head

"Just kidding. ." He said and back hugged me

"Are you serious, or are you just trying to make me forget of what you just said before and not be awkward?" I said and he shook his head

"No, I'm serious this time." He said looking at me seriously, just then, the pilot started to speak through the microphone and said and we're gonna be taking our leave to Masan. .

few hours later

Few hours past by, and we finally arrived at Masan. "Baby, wakeup~" Jihoon said slightly wiggling me

"Hm~~" I hummed and stretched my arms and rubbed my right eye

"Aww~ Your so cute." Jihoon said while pinching my cheeks

"Ouch." I pouted and then we stood up and grabbed our luggage, then we waited for the others and then finally went down from the airplane. .

We're now out of the airport waiting for Jihoon's mom to pick us up from the airport. Just then, a black car, came up in front of us and the driver open the window, and pf course it was Jihoon's mom "Annyeonghaseyo. ." We all said except for Jihoon and Daniel because they were putting the luggage in the car

"Annyeong beautiful girls, how was the plane ride?" Jihoon's mom asked

"It was great." I said then looked at Eunhye then giggled, because, I managed to tell Eunhye mostly about everything what happen in the plane with me and Jihoon

"Is there something wrong? Did Jihoon do something wrong?" She asked, with a slight smirk

"Uh, its really nothing." I smiled at her

"Oh come on, there should be something, I mean you guys were even giggling to each other." She said and I just sighed

"So, I and Jihoon were sitting together, until I uh decided to just play with him since I was pretty bored, so I started to do like well you aunty what I was doing, and he just suddenly came to my ear and whispered, he said 'Don't you dare turn me on, or even seduce me for doing that. Or, I'll seriously do it to you when my sister isn't home until you can't walk neither move.' and I well, pretty much just giggled of what he said, because I know that he wouldn't do it." I smiled and she laughed

"He's always like that. Typical kind of Jihoon haha." She said and we just laughed..

The boys went in the car, and looked at us weirdly "You guys okay? Why are you all laughing for no reason?" Jihoon asked

"Its nothing. Really." I said and we finally stopped laughing

"Okay(?)" He said in a weird tone.

Jihoon sat in front with his mom, while the three of us are at the back squeezing "So, Jihoon. . I heard from Jieun. . that well, you were about to do something huh?" She said with a slight smirk and I and Eunhye both just grinned trying to hold ourselves from laughing

"W-What a-aniya. ." He blushed, I then let out a slight giggle and then covered my mouth

"You said it yourself, you'll do it when ever Jihwan isn't home." Her smirk got wider

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