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jihwan's pov

I opened my eyes and started crying for no reason.

I actually didn't sleep, I faked it. I thought that my mom and Jihoon oppa wouldn't come to my room. But when eomma suddenly went inside, I predented like I was asleep.

I slept with this particular doll

I slept with this particular doll

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It reminds me of Jihoon oppa.

I would talk to it, and those childish stuff.

a/n : one thats my doll. two i seriously do talk with it sometimes:) jihoon talk to his dolls too, so don't say that its weird o k a y ( ? )

Ever since Jihoon oppa left Masan. People said I changed, a lot. I guess I could accept what they're saying about me. But this one, seems to change my life a bit. Fat.

a/n : welp

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a/n : welp. i exposed myself. not showing off friends:) that was when i was in kl in genting:) promotion!! anyways im fat right? pls answer this, i really need answers. bc i think that im pretty fat:) dont be a sider okay? (silent reader)

That's why I started to eat a little less. Since, I couldn't control myself because. . I miss Jihoon oppa so much. I ones even thought that Jihoon oppa wouldn't even come home and stay in Seoul f o r e v e r. . .

When eomma went out, I read a book in my phone, I went to my book list and read the books there. You really should follow these authors, they are really good writers, seriously. Especially read their books:)

My current favourite book is 'Ready? Set! Attack!' Book. It was a fanfiction of my brother. Seriously, he has so many fans. Ever since I and him went to hangout, people would make false-roumors about us being like a couple(?) seriously man.

He would go back here if he's alowed by the manager. I turned off my phone when I heard my room door opening again. Good thing it was dark so the person who went inside my room couldn't see that I opened my eyes. I looked who it was and surprisingly it was Jihoon oppa. I wonder what's he gonna say.


"I'm sorry I'm not able to sleep with you." He said and gave me a peck on the forehead

end of flashback

I tried to proses what just happened and why I cried for no apperent reason, I miss him a lot. We haven't hung out for a very long time. .

I couldn't sleep so I decided to read my book to see if I could sleep or not. Still, I can't sleep. I decided to get a drink so I went down and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. .

After drinking, I went back to my room, just as I was about to open the door to my room, someone put both of their hands on my shoulders, I stiffened and turned around "Jihoon oppa?" 

"You haven't sleep yet?" He asked I shook my head and he sighed

"I'm sorry for not being able to sleep with you. ." He said

"Nah, its fine." I fake smiled

"Stop faking, I know its a fake smile." He said and I frowned

"I'll drive you to school tomorrow?" He asked and I nodded rapidly

"Okay then sleep, wake up tomorrow okay?" I nodded and he kissed my forehead

"Okay, go, sleep." He said and I smiled then went inside my room and went inside the blankets. I still couldn't sleep so I decided to listen to my brother's songs. I like this new song, it was called Light if I wasn't mistaken. .

I instantly fell asleep in my brothers deep voice. .



short chapter

i am so sorry

i have been very busy lately:(

ill try to update more:(


I A M  updating the other chapters:)

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by e

𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒕 𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 - 𝙥𝙟𝙝 [𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗱]Where stories live. Discover now