Nüwa Didn't Create Humans Nor Will Guanyin Have Mercy On You

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          On a lovely beautifull Friday morning, everyone seemed really happy in the town; obviously, it was Friday, of course. A Chinese women went ahead and opened the curtains of her restaurant; ready to sell food. "Come on, come on, hurry up. The customers will be here soon. You too slow."

          She ordered the cashier to clean the statues and seats. Ordered the cook to make food faster. Ordered to clean the tables. Everything looked pretty, except for the dirty and faded neon green, neon pink and neon orange, long dragon that hanged on the ceiling of the entire restaurant.

          The first customer came in. An usual daily customer; a fat man. He entered in a bright room with red and green cullums. Very white pearl floor. He inhaled all that greasy and salty food and put a smile on his face. "Morning."

          They kept themselves busy throughout the day. People always came to eat Chinese.

          Around the early afternoon, when they were the most occupied with clients and orders from the counter and the drive-thru, she came in with her clipboard in hand and walked right at the counter cutting in line and ignoring all the customers, even the one that was ordering. "I'd like to speak to the one in charge today, please."
Annoyed, the cashier ignored her and kept asking for the order.
"Can't you wait; please give me a second while I finish with this order." rolling her eyes she finished the order. "Is there something wrong? How can I help you?"
"I will just like to talk to the manager or even better, a boss that could be around."
"Give me a second" she left through a door that seemed to lead to the kitchen. After a minute the cashier returned with the Boss.
"Hello, how can I help you?"
"I will like to ask a few things. If it's not a problem."
"No, no problem, go ahead."
She grabbed her clipboard. "Are you Chinese?."
"Yes, I am. It's a Chinese restaurant, no? Hahaha." laughed the boss, trying to lighten up the mood.
"Did you notice you have too many statues here? Statues of people, ghosts or made-up gods."
"Yes, it's a Chinese restaurant. It has to have some chinese decoration, right? "
"But the real question is, Do you believe in those gods?" she asked, getting a bit closer to hear clearly what she had to say.
"I was born and raised over there. I do believe in many gods or even at the same time I might not. I don't know what I believe. My cousin was raised here and he believes in the God here."
"Ok. Is your cousin around?"
"No, he is not. He's on vacation."
"How many Chinese you have working as cooks, cashier or anything else?"
"Four Chinese in the kitchen, none works as cashiers or anything else."
"Ok, I got all I need." She scribbled on her clioboard all the  answers. "Thank you." while she was walking away the Chinese boss asked. "Why so many questions?"
"Studying your culture a little bit. God bless, bye. "


          Days later she came back, but really late at night, when they were about to close and everyone was cleaning. She went inside with a box filled with pastries. She looked around, she did like the colors. Green and red, just like at Christmas. Jesus's birthday. Pretty. She walked up to the cashier. The cashier recognized her immediately. The boss had told her the things she asked about. She hurried before she asked. "Want me to get a manager or whoever is in charge?"
With a smile of gratitude "Yes please. Thank you."

          After two minutes, the cashier came back with the same boss. "Oh hello, how may I help you, this time."
"I studied some things and I made you all some Egg custard tarts. They're one of the favorite pastries in China, right?"
"Uh, yeah. Sure thing. "
"I wanted to give them to you and to see if they were any good. Brought you five for all the cooks and you."

          She handed over the box and started walking out in a hurry with a smile. "Have a goodnight and long sleep. Got to run, bye." She left running in a hurry and left.

          Later on everything was cleaned. They were all ready to leave and the Boss opened the box. Spoke in Chinese "Come here I want to give you guys a treat." All the chinese men walked to her. While the cashier looked back, but she knew; when she spoke in Chinese, she knew it wasn't talking to her. She continued to her car, got in, turn the engine and left.

"I'm giving you all this. Some Egg custard tarts. Take one each and take it home and eat them. Enjoy. " she handed them each a tart which were wraped in a red blood paper, with a small green ribbon on top.
"Thanks, thank you. LinQin" they said in Chinese. The Chinese women, Qin, smiled and said her goodbyes.

   ***  *     ****** **  * * * 
          LinQin got to her house. Went straight for a glass of water. Looked for her towel and took a shower.  Went straight to bed.

           1:37a.m. She couldn't sleep. She got out of bed and went to the kitchen. Saw the tart. "hmm, let's give it a try." She unwrapped the tart and it had a paper on it. She opened it and read it.
Exodus 20:3-4
3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
At the end, small it said: Work & "gods"

          She looked at it confused. Threw the paper away and went back to the tart. She looked at it. Seems pretty good. Smelled weird. She bit off of it. Tasted a bit like parsnip. She ate it completely. Drank a full glass of water and went to bed.

          She fell asleep and around an hour or so she woke up nauseous. She tried getting out of bed but couldn't. She felt so weak. She felt so weak that she started trembling. After a while she was getting confused but her mind was kind of clear. She knew something was wrong. She wanted to call someone for help. When she was about to move to grab her phone, she couldn't. She was paralyzed. She couldn't move. She tried and tried. She started crying, once again. After a while, she felt asphyxiated. She felt she was dying. She couldn't breath. Then she knew she stopped breathing. Her nervous system didn't send signals from the brain to her respiratory muscles to send the command to breath.

                ****     ********

          When she got home she went straight to her room. Straight to the foot of the bed. Once again without turning any lights on. Kneeled on the foot of the bed. Prayed.
"Lord, thank you for granting me the wisdom and knowledge to kill these demons that don't worship you; that worship others, money and work. I ask of you to give the cashier a new job, now that she won't have a boss to come to the next morning. In Jesus name we pray, Amen."

"Nüwa didn't create humans nor will Guanyin have mercy on them, I don't even think the Lord will have mercy on them. "

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