Chapter 4

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Clarke's POV

My head was pounding, everything was fuzzy. I felt a rush of panic

"Morning princess"

I looked at him weird "Clarke are you ok"

"Who's Clarke who are you where am I "

he look sad he pulled out a hand to cup my face

"Don't touch me"

I got up and ran out. He caught me by my wrist

"Clarke stop"

I turned and looked at him

"please don't hurt me"I cried

"I would never hurt you" he pulled me into a hug

"Whats your name "

" Bellamy Blake "

" why did you call me princess earlier "

"first I called you princess be cause you were privileged and after time the name started to grow on you because you were stubborn and never listened to me over time you showed me you were independent not self centered, brave and you became a leader with me for the 100"

I stayed quite. He must be special to me

"can you tell me more....what's the 100"

"ok well we lived in space  in a satellite called The Ark"


" what happened was that 97 years ago there was a nuclear war that caused so much radiation"

he went on and on he told me why I was arrested and how we came down here and about his sister he told me everything especially about finn and raven I was pissed and happy

" that cock sucking dick why would he sleep with me and not tell me he had a girlfriend" he chuckled

"whats so funny "

"just being you" we talked until he finally caught up to yesterday

"And then yesterday I went to the river and you followed me there I think you turned around to go back to camp when I heard footsteps getting further so I got up and went to go look for you then I saw murphy trying to attack you then I was gonna kill him then I heard the grounder horn for acid fog he was unconscious so I picked you up and brought you in here and today well were here"

" so what are you to me" I was scared of his response maybe we weren't together, when he finally spoke "what do u mean"

"I mean why did I follow you why did you save me twice"

"well princess that's because your my girlfriend but no one knows" "im your girlfriend? "

"yup come on we need to get back to camp people might have killed each other"

" wait my shirt"

" here put on my jacket" A few days later we got back to camp. we walked until we go to the gates miller opened them "there back" then a roar of cheers and thank gods we walked in then a pretty brunette jumped in and hugged him then she turned and hugged me I stood still then she spoke "Clarke what's wrong" he gave me a that's her look

"you must be  Octavia Blake Bellamy's sister...

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