eight; jy

949 56 8

it's okay. you worked hard enough.

just know that i'm always here.

i don't hate you, never would i.

you're not alone. you never were.

run to me whenever you feel like it. we'll go through this together.

jinyoung stared at his arm as the words started to fade. she must be washing them off, he thought. his heart broke at the words disappearing slowly, but the fact that he was sad was even sadder to him.

do i even deserve these words at all?

he was so sad that he wanted to cry. not even once in his life that someone told him that he worked hard, not even once that someone told him that he was not alone. those words were just too unbelievable for him to take, and he couldn't just swallow it like that. he felt guilty that someone even said it without even knowing who he was and what was happening to him.

he felt guilty to her, he felt guilty that she offered him comfort and a shoulder to lean onto, when all he gave her were pain and bruises. but he found himself couldn't stop staring at the comforting words on his skin, telling himself that after all, there was probably a reason to live.

the sun was shining too bright when he opened his eyes. his senses met with the agonizing pain once again, as memories came flooding back. a sigh escaped his lips. he knew he wouldn't make it to school today. but when they said watch your back tomorrow at school yesterday, jinyoung didn't actually expect an attack so early in the morning.

god, all the beating was making him so tired that he wished he wouldn't open his eyes or breathe next time they hit him again.

the rough pavement was hurting his skin but it's even harder for him to move. usually, when he laid like this, he couldn't stop thinking when all of this will ever end. but this time, he couldn't stop thinking of hyun.

what is she doing now? what was she doing when they attacked me? is she okay? is she awake already?

a pang of guilt hitting him again, as if he wasn't hurting enough due to the physical pain. he closed his eyes, trying to endure the feeling of his heart breaking. god, he wanted to explode. it was all too much pain to take; the bruises, the guilt and the heartbreak all at once. why did he have to take this much?

he moved slowly, trying to get himself together although his teary eyes were practically screaming otherwise. jinyoung forced his eyes closed as his tears dropped onto the hot pavement, disappearing in less than a second.

but a glimpse of handwriting on the palm of his left hand caught his attention.

bae, it's okay. just hold on.
you're not alone.


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