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Hi. My name is Lily, Lily McDuff. I'm a student at Marino Insititute of Education. I'm formally from England, Manchester to be exact, but my step-father got a new job in Mullingar, Ireland.

I don't like my step-father. He always treats me like I'm different from my little brother Lucas, which is dumb for a parent to do.

I am very different, don't get me wrong. I am the girl that walks around the school with bright pink hair and wears band tees every day. No one notices me. No one but my friend Grace Jennings and Shane Gleeson.

Grace has been my best friend since I could remember. We always had these big slumber parties and ate bags of popcorn talking about the cute boys at school. Soon, Shane came into our little group. Then we all started talking about cute boys. Shane is my best guy friend, and he's gay. Which is so cool to me.

One boy that always came into our topic was Niall Horan, and it was usually me who brought him up. I've always had a crush on him, and he's progressively gotten hotter over the years. We sang in chorus together, he was the most talented boy in our class. I would audition for solos in hope of getting his attention, but I always seemed to fail. It was almost like he didn't see me, like I was invisible to him. It sucked.

It's hard to like someone when they don't even know you exist.

Grace and I had decided to go to Starbucks after school, it was a long day. I needed caffeine, I'm basically addicted. I made it to Starbucks before she did, so I ordered my favorite drink and waited for it to get made. I looked around the room, and right in the back corner sat the most beautiful man alive, Niall himself. I caught myself staring and looked away. Could I be more obvious? I thought to myself. The barista called my name, so I grabbed my drink was quickly turned around and bumped into something. "Shit, I'm sorry." said the voice. I recognized it instantly, it was Niall. Why was he behind me? I looked up and stammered, "I-it's fine." My eyes met his. The sun shone on his glassy blue orbs like it did reflecting off the ocean. "Here, let me help you." Niall ran to grab napkins and softly handed them to me. Why is he being so nice? I started to rub my napkins over the wet spot, the stain got bigger. Quietly, I said "Shit." "I brought a sweatshirt, if you want to put it on." I felt my face turn bright red. I nodded my head, indicating yes. He speed walked back over to his chair and grabbed it. "I'm so sorry, Lily." he said handing it to me. Holy crap, he knows my name. "It's fine, really."

We stand looking at each other for a couple seconds, it felt like hours. Hours of absolutely nothing but Niall and I. I got lost in his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes. He broke the silence. "Well, are you gonna put it on?" he smiled. I began to blush. "Oh, uh - yeah. Yes." I put my drink down and throw his hoodie on. "You look snug. Better on you than me," he stated folding his arms across his chest and shifting all of his weight on his back foot. Yeah right. I didn't know what to say, I was just in awe. Why was Niall being so nice to me? And I still couldn't shake the thought, why was he behind me in the first place? I asked him that question.

"I, um..." he looked at his feet while his cheeks started to bloom a pink color. "I wanted to grab one of those things that would help keep my coffee warm." Then he looked me up and down, "I guess I don't need it anymore." I giggled and tucked a piece of loose hair behind my ear. "Look Lily, I gotta go. I'll see you in chorus, yeah?" Niall walked back to his chair to grab his phone. "Yeah, of course!" My smile grew for miles, never have I been so happy in my life. Just as he started to walk out, I asked, "When should I give you your sweater back?"

"You can keep it, I have a million others." I nodded and he waved at me just as he started to open the door and leave. I took a small sip of my drink, savoring every moment that I got to see him.

I took a seat at what once was his table, the thoughts of the events lingered in my mind. I was stuck in my thoughts, only ones about him, until I heard a knock on the table. "Wake up, sleepy head!" I looked up in the direction the voice was coming in. "Grace, oh thank God! I have so much to tell you about!" She took a seat across me and grabbed my drink taking a sip. "Spill."

I filled her in with what happened with Niall. The entire time, she was bouncing on her seat. "No... fucking... way! Did you get his number?" Then it dawned on me. I grabbed my drink from her hand and took a long sip. "No, I didn't. I'll get it on Monday though, I promise!"

For a while we just talked about Niall, and her crush Jason, then she began to freak out again from a text she received. "Celia is having a party tomorrow! Lil, we have to go!" I rolled my eyes. "Can we go, please? Jason's gonna be there! Niall might be there too! You can get his number sooner!" "I'll think about it."

To make a long story short, I agreed to go. Trying to get ready for this party was probably the hardest thing I've done in months. Now that I have Niall's attention, I couldn't let anyone take it from me. I had to be the hottest girl at this party.

I took a nice warm shower and did my makeup. I went for a simple smokey eye with cat eyeliner. I went through my closet for what felt like years. I found a nice black top that showed the right amount of cleavage and cute short shorts. I put on a pair of black socks that went half way to my knees and laced up my combat boots and I was ready to go. I looked in my mirror one last time to check if my outfit was okay, because my future with the boy I always dreamed about was laying right ahead of me.

~What's going to happen at Celia's party? Is Niall really going to be there? Will Grace finally get to start things with Jason?~

{A.N. I hope you guys enjoy this first chapter! There's so much more to come!}

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