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I decided to walk to Grace's house before the party. I got there and she was still getting ready, so I hung out with her family a bit, she gets stressed when people watch her get ready. I'm really close to her family, especially her dad, who's named Max. Maybe because he's always been better to me than my step-father.

After a few minutes Grace came downstairs and her dad drove us to Celia's house. Her house literally seems like it's in the middle of no where. There are only trees and the occasional house on the side of the road. But hers is like a castle compared to all of the other houses on her street, it's ginormous!

I suppose it's a good thing that she lives in such a secluded area, because I could hear the music from her house when it was barely in sight. The windows shone with dozens of different colors. I was suddenly getting nervous. What if Niall didn't even show up? What if Grace decides to abandon me? Will Shane be there? I wanted to scream at Max to turn around and that we should go home, it was too late. I've been so caught up in my thoughts that when I snapped back to reality we were right in front of her house and Grace was waiting for me to get out of the car.

Max sped away as soon as we stepped on the porch and walked into the house. Grace looked at me and smiled, then it faltered when she saw the nervous look on my face. "What's wrong?" she asked grabbing my hand. I hesitated, "What if he's not even here? What would be the point if--" "If he's here or not, we're having a good time. Believe me on that." She shook my hand. My nerves began to melt away. If he wasn't here, I'd actually lose it. I opened the door and instantly the loud sound of music burst into my ears. I began to smile when I saw a few familiar faces. "I'm gonna grab something to drink," shouted Grace, "Stay here!" I nodded and watched her walk away. I once again looked around at everyone at the party, then I started to think about how Niall probably just thinks I'm a friend. 

It's crazy how when you like someone they invade your thoughts at any given time; and your mind either thinks of good things (like actually getting into a relationship) or bad things (that they only think of you as a friend). 

I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked over expecting to see Grace with a red Solo cup in her hand, but it wasn't. I didn't recognize the boy at first, but then I suddenly remembered who it was. "Dennis from French class." I said, looking right into his eyes and pointing at him. "Lily, I didn't think this was much of your scene." He said, with his green eyes darting into mine and a slight smirk on his lips. "What you don't know about me would surprise you, Dennis." He chuckled and ran his fingers through is dark brown hair then shoved his hands in his pockets. "I guess you're right." I didn't know what to say, so we just looked at each other for a bit. "I, uh, like the outfit." He said breaking the silence that began to grow awkward. "Really? It's not something I'd usually wear..." "Yeah, it suits you." I began to grow a bit self conscious. "And it kinda goes with the hair." "You think?" I said grabbing a bit of my hair and looking at it. "Yeah, I really do." Right as I was about to respond, Grace came back with two cups in her hand and gave one to me. "I'll see you around, McDuff." He said smiling and walked away.

Grace grabbed my arm. "Was that Dennis Laughry?" I nodded smiling. "Dude what the hell!" "I know!" I said with a big grin. "Why was he talking to you, what did he say?" She said super excited. "He just said he liked my outfit, nothing really big." "Uh, that's really big! He's like the hottest guy at school!" "I know, I know. I don't think he'd actually like me though. I still got my eyes on someone else." "You never know, Lily." I took a sip of the drink. It was punch with a hint of vodka. Then another sip. I grabbed Grace by the arm and walked into the living room, where everyone was dancing and playing beer pong. I held up my cup and began dancing along, forgetting about everyone else who was around me. I got so lost in the music and accidentally bumped into someone behind me. I quickly turned around and began yelling, "I'm so sorry!" The person behind me laughed and said, "It's fine. But do we always have to run into each other like this?" Oh shit. 

"Hey Niall!" I replied, "I know, it's so weird!" "I didn't think I'd see you here, what's up?" "Just dancing." I said, beginning to sway my hips to the rhythm of the song playing.

A small smile begins to grow on his face. He slowly starts to dance along with me. I quickly begin to swallow my drink because I don't want to spill it on him or myself. "I'm gonna refill my drink." I yell over the music. "Let me come with you." I hear him say. I nod and we make our way out of where everyone is dancing. When we get to where the drinks mostly are, Niall grabs my cup and refills it for me and adds a bit more to his. "Thank you." I say softly. "I didn't hear you, could you speak up a b--" "Hello you two!" I hear a voice shout. I turn around and see a tall and skinny brunette. She almost looks like a model. "Hi Celia." Niall says warmly. "Really nice party you've got going." "Thank you sooo much!" she replied hugging him. He was taken a bit by surprise. "Lily, I didn't think I'd see you here, how've you been?" I clear my throat and say: "Pretty good! Yeah, I just wanted to go out tonight and here I am." "Well you look absolutely stunning." She replies pulling away from Niall. "I'll see you two around." She walked away, then quickly turned her head around and winked at Niall and continued walking. "Do you, uh, want to go outside?" He asked, still a bit shaken from his encounter with Celia. I say that we should and we go outside.

Like a gentleman, he opens the door for me and walks out behind me. There are plenty people outside, but not as many as there were inside. There was a little fire going at a fire pit and behind that was a well lit pool. "Where do you wanna go?" I ask, looking back at him. He points off where basically no one else is and we walk over there and sit in the grass. For a bit we sit silently, but it wasn't an awkward silence. More of a calm one to fit the calm atmosphere. "So, um, why were you behind me in Starbucks today?" I say, looking into his eyes. Instantly I got butterflies. I don't know why. I guess it was kind of odd that out of no where Niall suddenly was talking to me.

"I wanted to grab one of those things that would keep my drink warm. I was just about to leave, actually." He laughed scratching the back of his neck. "I guess I should've said excuse me, yeah?" I laugh a little. "Yeah, I guess so." Once again there's silence. "I'm going to be auditioning for something pretty big soon." Niall said. "What is that?" I ask taking a sip of my drink. "The X Factor." I almost spit out my drink, he laughed when he saw that. "Yeah, it's unbelievable," he looks away from me. "I don't know if I'll make it that far." "Are you kidding me Niall? You'll do great! You have one of the best voices I've ever heard!" "I don't know, there are so many talented people and... I'm just really nervous." Hesitantly, I put my hand on his forearm. "Hey, you'll do great. I know you will." He smiles and take a drink. "You're the first person in school I'm telling this." I got taken back by his statement and my hand dropped to the ground. "Why are you telling me first?" "I don't know. There's something about you, Lily. I kinda just get this trusty feeling about you." Our eyes meet. "We've barely met, Niall." "I know. it's weird. I probably sound really weird." I look around a bit and meet his eyes again. "I guess it's a good kind of weird."

The rest of the night passed with a kind of blur. Niall and I spent it all together, and I hate to admit it but not for a minute did I want to leave his side. Then I got a text from Grace that Max was on his way to pick us up. Right as we were about to leave Niall pulled me aside. "I almost forgot." He grabbed my phone and went on it then handed it back after a few seconds. "We should hang out some time, I'd love to get to know you better." He smiled. I looked down at my phone, on the screen was his number and his name. "I'll text you later, Niall." I said, walking out the front door with a smile on my face. All the way back to Grace's house, I had a smile that just wouldn't go away.

Grace and I walked up to her room. "Shane's going to be coming in a few. You need to fill us in on everything that happened between you and Niall." She said grabbing my arms. I nodded and threw myself on her bed. This has possibly been the best night of my life.

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