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When Shane finally made it to Grace's house, I told them everything that happened. "Oh. My. God. Niall wants to hang out with you? This is happening so fast!" Shane suddenly exclaimed. I felt the excitement radiating off of both of them. It's so great to know that I have friends who support me.

"Buuuuuut..." Grace said, beginning to trail off. "Dennis. Dennis thought you were cute. What about that?" I got flustered. "Yeah, what of it?" I replied; Grace rolled her eyes. "He's the hottest guy in our school Lily! And he has a little crush you!" She nudged my arm and raised her eyebrows. "Dennis isn't the topic of interest here, Niall is." Shane added. Grace sighed. "But Dennis, he's finer. Niall's like, meh compared to him."

I found myself getting angry at her comment. She doesn't have a say in who I want to be with. "Niall is finally showing interest in me. For God's sake, he gave me his sweatshirt. He spent the entire party with me. It sounds like maybe there could be something..."

"Do you not remember when Celia was flirting with Niall?" Grace added in.

Why does she have to take my hope away?

Shane rolled his eyes at her. "Grace, let Lily have her hope! Come on, I think it could happen!" Grace heaved. "I guess..."

Why was she being so weird?

I decided to ignore her weirdness and we continued on with the night. We stayed up and watched Rom-Coms. I imagined Niall and I was the stars of each movie.

The following morning we went out for breakfast. While we were sitting at the table I remembered that Niall saved his number on my phone. As soon as I did, I whipped my phone out and stared at the screen. I contemplated texting him. Would he text me back? Was he just drunk when he gave me his number? The food we ordered came to the table, forcing me to put down my phone. I didn't eat much, too many thoughts were running through my mind. Only one person seemed to notice, or care. "Lily, are you okay? You barely touched your food." Shane asked with concern in his voice. "I, um, I just remembered that Niall gave me his number last night before Grace and I left the party." I looked at both of them. Shane had a grin on his face, Grace stared at her food, picking at it with her fork. "Lily, this is amazing for you! Text him, text him now!" Shane practically yelled. "Okay, okay. I will." I said.

I began to write out what I was going to say to him, it took me a while but I finally formulated what I wanted to say; a simple "Hey Niall, it's Lily." After I sent the text I turned my phone off and slammed it onto the table.

He's not gonna get back, why would he get back?

A few seconds later I heard my phone buzz on the table. "Oh, coffee girl? I remember you" my phone read. A smile grew on my face. We kept texting from there.

Could this day get better?

After breakfast I decided to go home. Though my life at my house wasn't too great, being around Grace was really awkward, I couldn't be around her anymore. I didn't let her dampen my spirits. Niall freaking Horan was texting me, he was showing some interest in me. He asked me if I was serious about hanging out with him some time soon, I told him that I was. We began to plan what we should do, where we should go. We eventually decided on going to the mall that evening, and he was going to pick me up.

I showered and picked out my outfit.A black turtleneck, a plaid skirt, knee high boots, and the sweatshirt he gave me over it. I did my makeup to match the outfit perfectly. Shortly after I finished getting ready, Niall came to pick me up.

I hopped into his car. "I like that sweatshirt you're wearing. I had one very similar to it. Where'd you get that?" Niall said jokingly when he saw me. My cheeks began to heat up. "I got it from this weirdo who spilt their coffee on me." We laughed together and started to head toward the mall. On the way there, he played some weird country music. The title of one of the songs he played was "On the One Road", his music taste was interesting to say the least. It kind of reminded me of the music that my grandfather used to listen to. He's been dead for a few years, so it made me very happy to listen to.

We eventually got to the mall. We browsed a few stores, I bought some new clothes and accessories, he bought a new sweatshirt and some new shades. Soon, we got hungry so we went to the food court. We both got some pizza and sat at a table. "Hey, aren't those your friends over there?" Niall asked pointing behind me. I turned around and saw Grace and Shane walking past Forever 21. I smiled, "Yeah, they are!" I texted Shane, telling him to look toward the food court. I saw the two turn toward Niall and I, we both waved. Grace turned her eyes toward the ground and kept walking, Shane waved back and caught up with Grace. "What's up with, um, what's her name?" Niall said a little bit shocked. "Grace, and I don't know. She's been weird with me since last night."

Shortly after we left the mall, and he drove me home. We jammed to music on the car ride back to my house. I looked at him occasionally, the dim light from the streetlights glowed on his face as he sang the words to the songs. I could tell from choir that he loved singing, but now I could hear how passionate he was about it. I could feel the emotions in his words and see them on his face. Sometimes he'd catch me looking at him and smile at me, making me blush.

Soon, he pulled into my driveway and put the car in park. "Lily, I had an amazing time with you tonight. I really do hope we can do this again." I began to blush. "So did I Niall." "Do you want me to help you bring your bags in?" My excitement disappeared. If my family knew I was with a guy other than Shane, they'd freak out, and not in a good way. "No, no. It's fine. I can bring them in myself." Niall seemed a bit disappointed. "It's for the best, Niall. If my family knew I was with a guy they'd probably kill me." I stepped out of the car and grabbed my bags from the back seat. "No worries, I'll see you on Monday, right?" "Of course you will." I smiled, shut the door, and walked inside my house. My step-dad was the first to question where I was and who I was with, as if it concerned him anyway. After being questioned by him for what felt like an eternity, I went upstairs and started to look through what I bought. I was proud of myself, and even more proud because I built up the courage to go out with Niall tonight.

Nothing can take me down from the high I was feeling.

I flicked on my television and started to scan the shows and movies that were playing when I got a text. Not from Niall, but from Grace. "Hey, can we talk?"

{A.N. Sorry I've been gone for so long! I lost my inspiration to continue this story for a while, but it came back! I hope you guys enjoyed this part! I promise that I'll keep this story running!}

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2022 ⏰

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