Chapter 12

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"This has to be some kind of sick joke right? " Xavier was the first of the recruits to break the silence. This was the first time Jonathan had seem the man genuinely angry. He made no attempt to mask the look of fury in his eyes as he glared at Carlos Tolido. " You're telling me that only half of us graduate; and only by killing each other? Bullshit." Pachelli spat out the last word, which carried an immense amount of venom and spite.

Tolido looked at the Italian with a strange look in his eye. Jonathan Mayers couldn't pinpoint exactly what emotion it was. The closest thing he could pin it down as was...disappointment.

"I would think that after all the mental and physical training you lot have received would be more than capable of doing this."

"But Sir," this time it was Jack who piped up. " What good is it for JHF if half of us are killed? Wouldn't that hurt the Foundation?"

Tolido shrugged. " The Foundation has no use for those who are unable to survive in the field. Do not take this the wrong way, all of you are exeptional recruits, however you lot have a long way to go in terms of actual field duty. If you are unable to be effective against other rookies like yourself, what good can you do against a high profile target?"

No one in the room had an answer to that.

Carlos stared down each of the ten recruits in their eyes. He seemed almost apologetic. " I am sorry that this is the way it has to end for you, believe me, I am. But for those of you who make it out alive, it will help you immensly in the long run. And what I am about to say....I mean it from the bottom of my heart. It has been a pleasure teaching all of you. Good luck."

With that, he hurriedly exited the room.

Jonathan wondered how many times he had made that same speech before today.

Xavier buried his face in his hands as he sat down. His voice came out muffled, but everyone could tell he was fighting back tears. " This is just madness...absolute insanity...."

All around him, the other recruits were looking gloomy and depressed. Luan looked like he was on the verge of tears. Zoria, back in her favorite corner of the room, was already crying; tears silently streaming down her face. Jack was at the window, staring grimly down the mountainside view.

Liam, however, seemed fairly calm. He had distanced himself from the others, and sat with his back to the wall, with his head tilted as he gazed intently at the ceiling.

Jonathan pulled a chair next to him and sat down. He waited a short while before asking:

" Watcha thinking about?"

Liam tilted his head a little towards Jonathan, but continued staring at the ceiling. Feeling a little embarrassed, Jonathan continued talking.

"The others seem really bummed about this. It's as if they can't stand the thought of killing their comrad-"

"No they're not," Liam, still gazing at some invisible vision on the ceiling, cut in. " They don't act like that because they're heatbroken at having to kill their fellow recruits. They're upset because they are afraid they might die. No one expected their death to be a part of this whole ordeal. Now that it's on the table, they're scared shitless."

Jonathan was taken aback, but he pushed on after a short pause. "What about you? Do you feel the same way as they do...or do you-?"

Liam finally stopped gazing at the ceiling, and instead directed his gaze right into Jonathan's eyes. " Of course I'm scared. But none of that matters now. What does matter, is being alive come the end of it."

Jonathan was sort of satisfied with that answer. "I see," he replied, slightly more cheery now.

However, Liam's next comment shocked him. " Mate...I love you like a brother, I really do. But if we end up on opposite sides, and it's between your survival and mine, although it will hurt me like a bitch....I won't hesitate to put you down if it means I graduate."

It was then that Jonathan truly realized how much of a monster JHF's training had made him. The thought of him killing Liam flashed through his mind, and he was horrified to find out that, in reality, he wouldn't feel too distraught doing it.

Turning to his best friend, Jonathan Mayers grinned and said nonchalantly:

"Only way that's happening is if I don't get you first."

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