Chapter four

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 I arrive at the social studies room and Gavin is waiting for me at the door. We both walk in the room and start conversing right away.

"So about Ordinary..." Gavin begins to speak, but is immediately cut off by the teacher, ushering us all to our seats. Me and Gavin are on opposite sides of the room, so we aren't really able to talk. This universe is cruel. All he wants to do is talk about Ordinary, but nooooooo.

I sit at my seat and wait patiently for Mr. Calix.

Gee, that name sounds familiar, eh?

Shut up Calix, they probably don't even know you yet! This is a N.O.M Vol; two thing!

Calix gets up from his seat and begins the class. As expected on the last day of school, it has pretty much nothing to do with learning. It's some kind of "review bingo" that summarizes a lot of the stuff we "learned" throughout the year. If you know the answer to the question, and have it on your bingo sheet, you mark it with a small poker chip. From there, it follows normal bingo rules. I just sit in my seat and kind of play a long, not really bothering to try and figure out the answers. I really don't find this sort of thing to be very entertaining, so I turn to my own thoughts to keep me going.

I doze off while leaning back on my chair, still very much awake, but not paying any attention whatsoever. I like to daydream, so I imagine stuff that will never really happen. I can't help but feel a bit odd though, like someone is watching me. I zone back into the real world, but everyone is paying attention to the game. Maybe I'm just miss-interpreting something?

I doze off again but I quickly notice a familiar face turn to look over at me. Luna. Perhaps she was sending me the uneasy feeling I was getting? I turn to face her and she quickly looks away, pretending not to have been looking over at me. She's pretty obvious sometimes, even though she won't admit it. Class resumes as normal until the bell rings, and everyone starts to pack up with the teacher talking in the background. I look around and realize that this whole time, I would have had a bingo. I would have felt a bit disappointed, but all you got was a tootsie roll. I hurriedly pack my stuff and leave the room. Right as I step out, I see Luna waiting for me right outside the door.

"Howdy," I say.

"Who says howdy anymore?" She asks, smirking to herself.

"Whatever, I should be grilling you. You're the one who was takin' glances at me," I respond with.

She seems to blush to herself and loses a bit of her confidence.

"Hell nah, you must be seeing things!" she nervously stammers.

We both start walking to our next class.

"You're all cute when you get flustered like that," I joked.

Her faces gets completely red and she quickly shuts up. She likes to act all tough in front of people, but her barriers are pretty easy to remove.

"You're a jerk you know," she chuckles.

"Noted," I add.

This was pretty much our relationship. I just like to mess around with her and see how flustered she gets. I honestly don't understand why she's still friends me with at this point. It does make me wonder though why I have such a weird relationship with her. It just felt kind of natural. Although, I'm not sure how Emilee would react if she saw us talking like this though. She's been my friend for all of highschool, and while she doesn't mind me being around girls, Luna seems to get under her skin. Is there something she knows that I don't?

"I'll see you next period," she says, continuing her stride to her class.

I can't help but stare at her as she leaves. She always has a very confident stride on her, seeming to be filled with pride. Very different from Emilee, as she is a bit less confident in herself. She used to complain about herself and ask for my opinion on a lot of the clothes she put on for dates. But, this year I haven't gotten any of those things. I mean, granted she is single, but she never asks for my opinion on what she wears or anything anymore. It's like she's grown a bit more confident in herself. That or she just got sick of talking to me. Either or really.

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