Chapter 3: The Gala

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~I do not own Lab Rats~

Leo's POV:

This is going to be so lame. A whole bunch of rich guys and their snotty children.

"This is lame," I groan and tilt my head back.

"Leo," my mom snaps at me.

"What, it is?" I shrug as we step inside.

"Yeah, it's not going to be fun without my top hat," Adam crosses his arms. Bree rolls her eyes next to me.

"Can you two just be happy?" Bree asks, staring us down.

"Why should we? Just think about it. A place stuffed with rich guys and their snotty children who won't give us the time of day." I give Bree a look when I'm done, but she just rolls her eyes again,

"You two are hopeless," Bree mumbles. We pass the entry way and head into the room where the event is held, but there isn't much to it.

The room is pretty much a ballroom, that has multiple tables set up. Each table is a circle with white tablecloths laid on top, with name tags at each seat. The tables are all placed on the sides of the room, next to the walls. This is to open the space for the dance floor, but right now there is three long tables in the middle of it with multiple inventions placed on them.

"Follow me,' Big D gestures for us to follow him to our table. Our table ends up being the largest, and is right up front, of course.

"Let me guess, we're going to be the center of attention here, aren't we?" Bree asks as she finds her name tag and takes her seat.

"Well, yeah," Mr. Davenport answers like it was completely obvious. If you think about it, it kind of was.

"You know, I've never sat at the head table before," my mom says, making me roll my eyes. I scan the table for my name tag, which ends up being placed between my mom and Adam. I then take my seat, being the last to do so.

"So, now what?" I ask, not knowing what's supposed to happen.

"Well, in a couple minutes we will eat. Then, we'll start the auction, which I am in charge of," Big D explains. "But, for you four it's different. When you're done eating, you will head into the room next door."

"Why?" Bree asks, furrowing her eyebrows.

"That's where your dance is, so you don't have to stay and listen through the whole auction. It is also so us adults won't make you nervous and uncomfortable during the dance."

"Okay, I guess that makes sense."

"But how are we supposed to know that the kids aren't up to no good?" My mom asks.

"Oh, there are cameras everywhere in there, that are set up to alert us at any moment."

"Well that's good." I suddenly head the sound of slightly squeaking wheels, and turn to see multiple tables being wheeled in. Each and every table has different food on each, and they all make my mouth water.

"Oh, look, it's time to eat." Big D smiles at us as he rises to stand.

"Food?" Adam is instantly alert, and a large smile crosses his face.

"Yes, Adam, there's food," Bree rolls her eyes.

"Come on, let's get something to eat," Big D urges.

"Wait, we get to eat already? How come the other people aren't going?" I ask as I look around the room.

"We go up by table, and we're first," Big D explains as he starts to walk away. "Are you coming or not?" Adam instantly bolts away from the table to the ones filled with food. My mom follows, and then everyone else, besides Chase.

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