Chapter 14: Solutions

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~I do not own Lab Rats~

Leo's POV:

What's taking Bree so long? We've finished cleaning everything up, and we've now been waiting a little while for Bree to come back, hopefully with Chase.

"Why did you even say it in the first place?" I ask Big D, who stops working on one of the broken inventions to look at me.

"I already told you, he-"

"No, that's not what I meant." He gives me a puzzled look, and waits for me to continue. "Even if he did push you, you still wouldn't have said it. So, why did you?"

"You want the truth?"

"Yeah," I say in an obvious tone.

"Well, the truth is, I don't know. The words came out of my mouth before I knew what I was saying. I guess there might be the tiniest part of me that could've meant it, but I don't know. With his hair, and how he almost joined Douglas. I guess he might remind me of him a little."

"Seriously? How could you even say that?" I ask completely flabbergasted. "Chase is in no way like Douglas, personality wise. And, he didn't almost join Douglas, he was just luring him here so we could capture him."

"Don't you think I know that?!" He starts to get angry, but immediately calms himself down. "I just wish I could take back what I said, but I can't. I will always regret it, and if Chase can't bring himself to forgive me, I understand. I would have trouble forgiving me if I was in his place."

"You would?" A small voice suddenly asks from behind us. We both look over, and stare directly into the tearful face of Chase. Bree has joined Adam off to the side, so Chase is standing alone in front of the elevator.

"Yes, Chase, I would, but you're not me. You can forgive a lot easier than I can, and I really hope that you will." Big D starts to approach Chase cautiously.

"I-I still don't know if I can," Chase stutters out softly.

"Please, I really truly did not mean it, and I will never forgive myself for saying that. I hurt you, and if you can forgive me, I would truly and completely appreciate it. Please?"

"I-" Chase stops himself, and suddenly rushes forward, straight into a surprised Big D's arms. "I forgive you."

"Chase, I'm so, so, so sorry." Big D tightens the head, and Chase leans his head into his left shoulder with tears brimming his eyes and sniffling.

"I know," Chase chokes out softly. A smile spreads across Adam, Bree, and I's faces, and simultaneously we all join in on the hug.

"Alright," Big D says as we break the hug, "time for bed all of you." We all groan. "It's been a long day, and we all could use some sleep." Just to emphasize it all, I end up yawning.

"Okay, we're going, we're going." Bree puts her hands up and heads into her capsule, the same motion is followed by Adam and Chase.

Big D turns and faces me with his arms crossed. "What? I'm going, I'm going." I put my hands up the same as Bree, and walk into the elevator.


Adam's POV:

"Adam, wake up!" I wake up to the pounding on my capsule, and the slightly yelling voice of Bree.

"Ugh, I'm sleeping, wake me when it's tomorrow." I groan without opening my eyes, and Bree stops pounding.

"Alright, fine, then you'll just have to miss breakfast." My eyes snap open at her comment, and rush straight out my capsule, almost knocking Bree over.

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