I been an Emo for about 3 to 2 years now. And Some how I'm Not As Emo as i before, But I still ware black {Sometimes}, But I'm an Emo and I won't stop being one. I'm known for an Emo, But I'm going to have to grow up sometime. But I won't stop being one, just because I'm coming out of my Emo Stage. Doesn't mean I won't stop acting like one, wearing like one.
Now I'm not wearing as much black as i was before, but like i said I'm coming out of my Emo Stage. And I can't help it because Some thing good came into my life and that's good for me because finding some thing good in your life is the best thing that can happen. I know I'm the Queen of All Emo's, I will still be that, but i won't be there for all the Emo's. But I will try to keep in touch with them. But I can't be an Emo for the rest of my life. I have to grow up some time, Why not now.
I will also be an Emo, But i can't be an Emo of the rest of my life. I have go grow up some time, and why not now, before i change my mind, and become an Emo for the rest of my life.
P.s To the Emo's who are reading this. I'm sorry i won't be there to write about everything. But if you think you want to end your Emo stage then keep reading this. And if you don't like what i say, then you can stop reading this. But just to let you know if i do become an Emo again, i might not be the nice Emo that i was before. To all the people that are reading this if you liked reading this because i told you how to be an Emo. I hope you don't stop reading this book or what ever this thing is. I don't want you to stop reading this because i was an Emo. I want you to read this because you like reading this.
I hope that you don't stop reading this and keep reading this. And support me en-tell the end.