one ✔

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New York:  At the enrollment facility

  I sat with Steve in the waiting room type thing, we were here so he could get enlisted. Bucky had been drafted and I was recruited with Howard for the Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR), meaning that if Steve didn't get enlisted that he would be alone... All alone... and I would give up everything for that not to happen.
    I glanced over at Steve as he continued to read the newspaper, a hopeful look in his eyes as they ran over the words. I smiled slightly, he may not know it but he is one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen, but I would never tell him that.
    I kept my eyes either on Steve or on my lap, too many men were shirtless in here and it made me uncomfortable... I think they were a bit uncomfortable or something because they kept flexing.
    "O’Connel, Michael. Kaminsky, Henry." the doctor called.
    "Boy, a lot of guys getting killed over there." Steve commented looking at the paper. I nodded slightly.
    All the more reason for us to stay here. I thought.
    "Rogers, Steven." the doctor called, Steve put down the newspaper and glanced over at me. I smiled slightly and gave his hand a squeeze.
    "Good luck," I whispered. He smiled and stood from the chair.
    "It kind of makes you think twice about enlisting, huh?" one of the fellow men enlisting asked. I smirked at Steve's answer.
    "Nope." he said as he walked up to the examination podium.
    Steve stood half naked in front of the doctor so he could be examined for enlistment.
    "Rogers. What did your father die of?" the doctor asked.
    "Mustard gas. He was in the hundred and seventh infantry. I was hoping I could be assigned…" Steve began to explain.
    "Your mother?" the doctor interrupted.
    "She was a nurse in a TB ward. Got hit, couldn’t shake it." Steve informed as the doctor looked at Steve’s file, which contains Steve's long list of health issues.
    "Sorry, son." the doctor said closing the file and looking at the skinny, young man.
    "Look, just give me a chance." Steve pleaded.
    "You’d be ineligible on your asthma alone." the doctor explained looking at him. Steve looked down sadly and then back up at the doctor.
    "Is there anything you can do?" he asked hopefully.
    "I’m doing it. I’m saving your life." The doctor stated as he stamped the card '4F.' Steve looked down sadly once more and nodded slightly.
    I nervously drummed my fingers on my thighs as I waited for my friend to return, my heart beating fast. Part of me hoped that he got in, not only because Bucky and I could be with him but because it's his dream, but another part of me hoped that he didn't get in, because I don't want him to die.
    I took a deep breath and looked at the door as Steve walked over, I stood from the chair and looked at him.
    "So, what's the verdict?" I asked with a nervous smile, he looked up at me and shook his head, his blue eyes full of sadness and defeat. I closed my eyes and nodded. I pulled him into a tight hug, but not too tight, my arms around his neck.
    He wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face in my neck. I knew that it pained him for Bucky and I to be leaving, whether he would admit it or not, I knew this was killing him.
    I pulled away from him, cupped his face and looked into his blue eyes. "Why don't we go to the movies, huh?"
    "I... I guess that would take my mind of this." he said with a slight smile, I smiled widely at him and grabbed his hand.
    "Let's go." I said leading him out of the enrollment facility.
    He chuckled lightly and held the door open for me. "What would I do without you, (Y/n) Stark?"
    "I don't know..." I said with a slight frown, I didn't want to think about that, I wanted Steve to be happy.
    Steve and I sat in the movie theater, waiting for the movie to start. I looked over at Steve as he watched the commercials on the screen, the light illuminating his face and making him even more handsome (if that was even possible). He looked over to me and I turned my gaze to the screen, my cheeks heating up in embarrassment.
    Steve looked at (Y/n) as she turned to the screen, he noticed her cheeks turning slightly red. He smiled slightly and turned back to the screen, his cheeks slightly pink.
    A commercial about the war started playing before the movie, and I couldn't help but frown, I didn't want to go to the war, but Howard had told me that I was going in the SSR with him so he could "make sure I'm safe," and I really don't want to go, I want to stay here with Steve.
    "War continues to ravage Europe. But help is on the way. Every able-bodied young man is lining up to serve his country. Even little Timmy is doing his part collecting scrap metal. Nice work, Timmy!" the announcer said.
    "Who cares? Play the movie already!" a loud jerk shouted from in front of us.
    "Hey, you wanna show some respect?" Steve asked quietly, but forcefully all the same.
    "Meanwhile, overseas, our brave boys are showing the Axis powers that the price freedom is never too high." the announcer continued.
    "Let’s go! Get on with it! Hey, just start the cartoon!" the jerk yelled once more. I clenched my jaw and leaned forward.
    "Hey buddy, you wanna shut up?!" Steve and I shouted, only I didn't say 'buddy,' I called him an asshat. The guy got up and looked at Steve, and I swallowed the lump forming in my throat... I knew what was going to happen next.
    "Together with Allied forces, we’ll face any threat, no matter the size."
    Steve was getting beaten in an alley by the loud jerk that was disturbing everyone at the cinema.
    The guy held his fists up as he looked at Steve. "You just don’t know when to give up, do you?"
    "I can do this all day." Steve said with a huff as he attacked the guy again.
    "Hey, asshole! Pick on someone your own size." (Y/n) said, causing the guy to turn to look at her, his eyes looking to the figure standing next to her. A man clad in an army uniform stood next to her with a smile, the heckler took a swing at Bucky and but he punched the guy in the face. Sending him fleeing down the alley.
    Steve looked at (Y/n) and Bucky, with a somewhat angry somewhat thankful look.
    I walked over to Steve's side and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.
    "You okay?" I asked, my face filled with concern. Steve looked at me and nodded, his cheeks slightly pink.
    "Sometimes, I think you like getting punched." Bucky joked.
    "I had him on the ropes." Steve said as Bucky picked up Steve’s enlistment form from the ground.
    "How many times is this?" Bucky asked reading from the enlistment form. "Oh, you’re from Paramus now?" he asked.
    I looked at Steve with my eyebrows furrowed. "You know it’s illegal to lie on the enlistment form."
    "And seriously, Jersey?" Bucky asked.
    "You get your orders?" Steve asked looking up at Bucky, I glanced at Bucky.
    "The one-o-seventh. Sergeant James Barnes. Shipping out for England first thing tomorrow." he answered.
    "I should be going." Steve said with a deep frown, he desperately wanted to fight for his country, but they wouldn't even give him a chance. Honestly they shouldn't be so picky with who they choose.
    "Come on, man. My last night! Gotta get you cleaned up." Bucky said wrapping his arm around Steve's shoulder as we made out way out of the alley.
    "Why? Where are we going?" Steve asked with his brows furrowed.
    "The future." Bucky answered as he handed Steve the newspaper he was holding, Steve opened it for both of us to see the ad for World Exposition Of Tomorrow, 1943.
    "You're gonna be there right, (Y/n)? Afterall it is your brother's thing." Steve asked closing the newspaper and handing it back to Bucky.
    I nodded as we walked down the street. "Yeah, Howard's dragging me along, he says that there will be people from the SSR there that want to meet me..." I said with a frown. I felt a weight on my shoulders and I turned my head slightly to see Steve's arm around me.
    I smirked slightly, as my face turned red, this man didn't know just how much leaving him was killing me... and I don't know if I should tell him my feelings before I go or not...

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