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    I sat on a bed as the medics wiped away the dried blood from my arm, torso, hand and forehead.
    "How are you feeling?" Howard asked, looking down at me with worry on his face.
    "Howard, I feel fine." I said looking at him. "I just want to see Steve."
    "Yeah, not until you get checked out." he stated.
    I rolled my eyes and looked at the doctor and nurses who stared back at me in shock.
    "What?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.
    "You said that you had a cut on your torso?" the doctor asked looking at me with wide eyes.
    "Yeah," I said looking down, the cut was gone... It wasn't there, there was no scar. It was as if nothing happened. I looked at my hand and it was the same thing, no cuts or scars, nothing. "What?"
    "Mr. Stark..." the doctor said turning to him.
    "How bad is it? She's flatlining isn't she?" Howard said walking over to us.
    "I'm not dead, Howard."
    "Mr. Stark, it seems like Agent Stark's body has healed completely of her wounds, there's no trace of them at all." the nurse said looking at Howard.
    Howard looked at me with wide eyes. "What?"
    "Howard... I think it's the serum." I said looking up at him.
    "Do you know what this means?" he asked with a small smirk, I shook my head. "(Y/n)... I think you have a healing factor that might make you... Immortal."
    Howard and I stood by the glass chamber and examined the HYDRA cartridge that Steve had picked up from the base.
    I still haven't seen Steve, I was going to see him last night, but after being poked and prodded with needles and knives I was too tired. We don't know if I'm immortal, but we know that I can heal.
    "Emission signature is unusual. Alpha and beta ray neutral." I explained.
    "Though I doubt Rogers picked up on that. Seems harmless enough. Hard to see what all the fuss is about." Howard said as he removed a glowing pellet and a blast sent me, Howard and his engineer flying across the room. I groaned and looked at Howard as he looked at the cartridge with wide eyes. "Write that down."
    Steve walked into the building to meet with Howard.
    "Excuse me." Steve said to Private Lorraine. "I’m looking for Mr. Stark."
    "He’s in with Colonel Phillips and an Agent  Of course you’re welcome to wait." she said looking Steve up from head to toe. Steve perched on the edge of a desk to wait. "I read about what you did." Lorraine said holding up the newspaper showing the rescue mission.
    "Oh! The…yeah! Well, that’s you know? Just doin’ what needed to be done." Steve said looking down at the ground. "You said Stark was with the Colonel and an Agent? Do you know the name?"
    "No, her name slips my mind. But the mission sounded like more than that. You saved nearly four hundred men." Lorraine said setting the newspaper down.
    "Really, it’s not a big deal. Do you know what the agent looks like?" Steve said looking up at her.
    "Tell that to their wives." Lorraine said as she walked over to Steve. Steve got visibly nervous as Lorraine approached him.
    "Uh… I don’t think they were all married. Did the agent have (h/c) hair?"
    "You’re a hero." Lorraine said standing in front of Steve.
    "Well, that…you know? That…that depends on the definition of it really." Lorraine grabbed hold of his tie, and looked at him.
    "The women of America, they owe you their thanks. And uh…seeing as they’re not here." she said looking from his eyes to his lips, she pulled him off the desk, dragged him to the corner of the office and kissed him.
    Steve stood their shocked, not understanding what was happening, the only girl he's kissed is (Y/n).
    Then his thoughts drifted to the agent in with Howard and Phillips... It could be (Y/n). He tried to pull away but Lorraine had a tight grip on his tie.
    Peggy walked in and saw Steve and Private Lorraine kissing. Anger and jealousy built inside of her. "Captain!" she exclaimed causing Lorraine to finally let him go. "We’re ready for you. If you’re not otherwise occupied." she said annoyed, she turned and walked away, a slight smile on her face. She planned to let (Y/n) know everything.
    "Agent Carter, wait." Steve said following her.
    "Looks like finding a partner wasn’t that hard after all, so tell me is it Lorraine or (Y/n)?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.
    Steve frowned. How did Peggy know about him and (Y/n)? "Peggy, that’s not what you thought it was."
    "I don’t think anything, Captain. Not one thing. You always wanted to be soldier and now you are. Just like all the rest." Peggy said with her eyebrows furrowed in anger.
    "Well, what about you and Stark? How do I know you two haven’t been… fonduing?" Steve asked with his eyebrows furrowed.
    Why did I say that? It's not like I care who she's fonduing.
    Peggy turned to look at him. "You still don’t know a bloody thing about women!" she exclaimed before walking away.
    Steve furrowed his eyebrows and ran a hand through his hair. How was he going to tell (Y/n) what happened with Lorraine? How was he going to deal with his feelings towards the thought of Peggy and Howard fonduing? Why was it bothering him so much?

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