Part I

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Warnings: Mild language

Varian had just turned 7 a little over a month ago. He was helping me make handheld blueberry pies for dessert tonight when we felt it. A rumble low in the ground. It almost made Varian fall off the counter he was sitting on to help me. Thankfully, I caught him before he hit the floor. Quirin, Varian's father, burst into the kitchen to make sure we were all right. "Momma? What's happening?" Varian asked me. "I don't know, Mijo." I admit, handing the child to his dad. I run outside, untying my apron and putting it on the hook outside the door. I stop outside and gasp, the wind making my braid fly, light brown strands coming out of it. A storm giant was on its way to Corona, already at the villages doorstep. Still holding Varian, Quirin started yelling at people to get inside, struggling to be heard over the wind, which seemed to be getting stronger with every moment. A firm and familiar determination settled deep inside me, like it usually does when faced with an opponent."Corona will PAY!!" The giant rumbled, sending another rumble through the ground. "Surrender, or face me! If you dare." He challenged. No one made a move. Varian started whimpering, the poor thing was so scared. "Quirin, get you and Varian inside." I told him, standing tall, prepared to protect Old Corona. "Mia, are you crazy?" He asked, bewilderment in his voice. I turned to him and smirked. "If I wasn't, then this wouldn't work, now would it?" Varian sniffed. I turn to him and smile softly. "Momma? W-where are you going?" He asked me. Aw. I loved him so much. "It's alright, Mijo. Just stay with your daddy, okay?" I asked him. He thought about it for a moment, then nodded. I smiled at him, gently wiping his tears. "Right. Wish me luck." I say, nodding to Quirin. He nods, running inside with little Varian. I turn around again, using my magic to summon my spear. The giant seemed to stop, astounded that someone, a girl no less, had dare to stand up to him. Then he begins to laugh. "Ha ha ha ha! What are you going to do, little girl? Teach me to dress properly? Ha ha ha!" "No, although, you could use some fashion advice." I retaliate. The giant growls, and prepares to strike. I stay where I am, waiting for the right moment. He takes a deep breath and blows a whirlwind my way. I jump, doing a handspring into a tree. I then leap to the giant, swinging my spear, taking a good chunk of him with me. He yells out in pain, then prepares to strike again. I jump again, using my magic to change my spear into twin swords, slicing and kicking my way through his winds, trying to find his weak point. At last, I found it. I change my twin swords into a cutlass and stab it straight down. The giant roars in pain, then disappears. I drop down and roll to absorb the fall. When I stand again, I'm standing by the port. The whole village is running out and cheering. I see Varian run out if the castle to greet me, Quirin chasing after him. I smile before swooning, suddenly feeling very weak. 'Damn overexertion.' I think before falling into the water. As I sink below the surface, I can just barely see Varian, my little godson, reach for me when his dad grabs him to stop him from falling in after me.

Mary shot up from her bed, panting. She furrows her brow, looking around. She was back in her Captain's Quarters on The Jewel of the Seas. She say there for a moment, catching her breath at the sudden memory. Getting an idea, she threw off her covers and investigated her maps off all the kingdoms and islands there were. 'Wouldn't be more than a two day trip from here.' She thought as she raced a route with her finger.

She smirked and nodded to herself. She got dressed, braided the sides of her light brown hair into a single braid in the back, and put on her hat. As she stared into the mirror, fierce and determined blue eyes that would remind anyone of the sea stared back.

She stepped out and was glad to see that her crew was already up and getting to work. She looked up and saw that her first mate, Amber, was at the wheel. "Amber! Set a course for Corona." Mary commanded, running up the steps to get her to the wheel. "Is there treasure there, Cap'n?" Amber asked, a smirk settling on her lips. She knew exactly what the great Iron Mary had in mind. "Depends on your definition of treasure." Mary replied, returning the smirk.

"You heard the Cap'n! Set a course for the Kingdom of Corona! Emerald, raise the mainsail, Pearl, scan the horizons, Ruby, Jade, swab the deck! You know how the captain likes to keep the Jewel ship-shape!"

The crew, who was made entirely of females and each had nicknames based on jewels, hence the name of the ship: The Jewel of the Seas, began getting the ship ready for a change of course. 'Hold on, Varian. I'm coming.' Mary thought as she put a leg up on the rail, breathing in the ocean breeze.

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