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"U-H-CCCCCCCCC SEASON NINE EVERYONE!!!! This season we will be exploiting newer youtubers that we know and have picked random teams of two. The players have met each other prior to filming and are comfortable enough to work with each other so the content should be good. Same rules apply in this one that are in other UHC'S. This go permaday is on when there are 12 people left and there will be heads. This will also be clean cut which means when you mine iron or gold you get the ore already smelted with an experience bottle and food will already be cooked from chicken's yada yada yada. Jon did I forget anything?" one breath for the win. Jon created the redstone contraption that shoots out someone's name at random when you step on a pressure plate.

I go first to show everyone how to do it and of course I get Haley...er Hay567. Don't call her Haley she would stop playing and show up at your door to murder you. Rusher brings me back into reality with "Who'd you get Graser? You haven't said yet." Thankfully Devon speaks up and says, "Should we just wait until we're recording so we can get the real reactions? Sometimes these things sound really scripted which is aggravating. "Yeah probably, everyone get their person and then we'll record the reactions of the other people." Haley is going to strangle me.

We all go into a big group call and then we call our teammates down to us I'm the third person to go thankfully. It's my turn and I take a deep breath you can do this. "My teammate is the lovely, Hay567 we're the Hayser team." The ship has sailed and one of the captains may jump ship. She didn't say a word the entire rest of the time. I text her 'I swear the teams were random, I would've been accused of hating you if I said I wanted to switch my teammate. Really sorry :c' there that should make up for everything. My phone goes off 'you owe me big time. Wtf was up with the name? I'm already cringing at the tweets and fanfics.' If I laughed the entire call would hear me so I try to keep silent 'fine, come to my apartment after we get done. Okay?' 'I feel like you're going to murder me but okay.'

UHC starts and honestly I don't care about who's with who I just want to win to show off. Deep breaths, we can do this.


I'm going to kill him. If we win I'm backstabbing him and killing him becoming the true winner. That's what he gets for making me team with him he could've said he didn't want to team with me they didn't record the team making thing it was all before, no one would've batten an eye if he said he was just setting an example and that wasn't the real draw. I'm so salty about this. What he doesn't know is I do practice UHC's all the time and I actually have been winning them the past couple times I've done them.

Okay it's starting, "hey guys its team hayser and this is my FIRST uhc. Oh and Graser dear, I hope you didn't pick me because of my awesome pvp skills." He awkward laughs; this is going to be fun messing with him the entire time. "No it was random I swear. We did it before we started recording and Jon created the redstone and put the names in the things." I start killing cows with my sword "woah woah woah how in the world do you already have stone tools? I haven't even made wooden ones yet." Idiot "there's a mountain right there I just made a stone pick and got a bunch of cobble, you'll need about twenty-five for all the tools and two furnaces. Don't throw out the saplings you get or your wooden stuff because we can burn them later. There's a swamp over here I'm going to grab apples you search around for any temples or villages and kill cows and chickens." Oops I know what I'm doing. "I thought you said you've never done uhc before?" "I haven't done one with you my child. Go! Stop wasting time we only have twenty minutes of no pvp!" I walk over to the swamp and start cutting down trees leaving the stumps so I can tell which one's I've cut down. "One apple..." "Okay I found a village. There's a blacksmith! I'm gonna grab whatever he has and then go grab the food. Should I check the villager trades?" "Yes! Good gosh there could be an apple trade! Do I need to hold your hand while you do this?" Oops I'm gonna come off as an ass hole to his viewers which will give me some hate on my channel, great that's all I need. "No apple trades I'm gonna grab the books but still grab reads if you see them so no one else can get them. I'm murdering cows just for you bb." "Thanks bb you're the best. Okay eight apples, is that good or would you feel better with more?" "Woah eight apples? Are you serious right now? That's crazy. Alright I'm coming back to you then we need to head in and start mining down. I say we go to the village I found go in one of the building and staircase down, in fact I'll do that now my cords are about x 130 and y 200. Make sure no one sees you and if they do just run the twenty minutes is almost up."

I run back to him and thankfully I didn't cross paths with anyone. Graser is super stressed, which I don't get because the block lag hasn't been bad and no one has had any major problems.I'm going to sing to him "Graser! Cheer up! 'Cause nothing really matters when you look up into outer space..." He does his little seal laugh where you can just see him throwing his head back and clapping once, not that it's absolutely adorable or anything. Er...focus Haley. "Am I that bad of a singer? Gosh Graser I've heard your cover of "Get Lucky" and it needed a little bit of work." I might have watched some of his videos oops. "Aw you watched my videos? No, I was laughing at you randomly saying my name like H does sometimes then bursting into song. You're like the girl version of him ya know. Except you can sing better then he can. You actually are a pretty good singer, so is Devon, you guys should sing together. I'm rambling sorry it's just really stressful hosting UHC's." "That's really heartfelt and all but the timer just went off in the middle of that so guys we have to go! We'll see you in two days for more ultra hardcore craft. Byeeeeeeeeeeeee"

I stop my recording "Calm down Graser we're doing a good job." At this point in this whole ordeal the entire cube fandom is probably ready to strangle me so I don't care if he recorded that. "Thanks Hay, we have to start again so no more sappy stuff, the ship is not going to have clear waters." "Wowowowowowowowowowowowowowow stupid jokes are in aren't they. Well you practally called me baby but whatever. Starting in three... two... one... Welcome back! Last episode Graser confessed his love for pizza and tacos if you missed that what are you doing with your life! Stop doing productive things and just spend all your time online, am I right ladies? Graser knows what I'm talking about, I honestly think he only goes outside for food!" He giggles "I go outside for other things too, I have to take the trash out and sometimes my cat will get out and I have to get him. Go watch my vlogs I go outside in them. Everyone on her channel go to www.youtube.com/graser10." I type in chat 'omg I need a new partner, Graser just did a shameless self-promotion..' he laughs then devon types back ':^) www.youtube.com/devondoesgames' Oh my gosh no plz.

I shift "Ah Graser help I just dug into lava" "what what what where are you can you get out quickly?" I evil laugh "just kidding I'm fine luh you bae, hope you didn't piss yourself too badly." He text's me 'I really fucking hate you for that, you owe me. Bring ice cream when you come over.' No. "You just gave me a heart attack I didn't even check my tab list." I press tab "ohh no looks like xbayani and his partner might be fighting TheCampingRusher and his partner they're hearts are looking spotty. Yep there goes bayani's partner, oh and there goes TCR annnd there goes his partner. Dang I wish I could've seen that fight I want to go watch his footage." We both say gg and explore the abandoned mineshaft we found. "Hay be really careful I don't want either of us hit by cave spiders. That would be pas bon." Oh he doesn't want to start this French thing with me "ehhhh C'est la vie mounsieur Graser10" He turns around in game "wait you know French?" Really Graser "Graser I've taken French since I was little, I lived in the French speaking area of Canada for like five years get with the program. If you had watched some of my videos you would have known that! Come on buddy avoir avec elle!"

"Ta gueule hay, arrete de me fliquer!" "okay enough French I think we should be more focused on the fact that I currently have 14 diamonds and I'm thinking of not sharing them with you. Also I'm pretty sure you just used your entire amount of French you know so I don't want to embarrass you." I laugh "Graser am I allowed to dig to you so that we can set up base? I don't want to be accused of strip mining and get kicked from this next season will be singles and I want to wreck you." Why hasn't he said anything... this is awkward. "Sorry had to mute my mic there, I might have cried a little bit. How have you gotten so lucky? This is really ridiculous. How much gold do you have? I have 16 which is only two apples. I'll dig to you so there won't be any hate concerning you." Too late for that some of your girl fans already hate me and this hasn't even gone out. "Okay, I have four. Oh timer you do the outro Graser10!"

"Alrigty guys we'll see you next time hashtag Hayser is O-U-T outta here!" I laugh at him, "Zach you're so stupid. Oops crap I wasn't recording when I said that don't worry. Crap really sorry.."

(Sorry again about chapter 4 mishaps. I think I figured out a way to stop that so we should be good. We should be back on schedule now XoXo)

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