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You guys still there? I feel like a jerk neglecting you like this but I was going though some personal shit. I know this is a shot way to end the story but I honestly don't know where I was going with it and I don't want to confuse anyone. I'm going to continue writing but probably about non-youtuber things. I got into a creative writing corse next semester and will probably be posting the stories from that. Sorry again. Here is the last chapter that i had written before my hiatus. Love you guys <3 but I'm sorry I can't continue this story. Sorry.


We went on a date. Saw a movie. He didn't try to kiss me again even though I secretly wanted him to. The date was fun though, he's fun. He had never heard of The Giver but said he enjoyed the movie. "Wha cha thinkin bout Haley?" "Nothin, just this was fun. We should do it again sometime." He smirks "I told you it'd be fun." "Don't get cocky now g10." "Shhh someone might recognize me." "Zach no one on this bus knows about you. Or minecraft. Calm down wit yo self. If anyone asks we can say it's your stripper name." He looks around nervously "now they think I'm a stripper!" "Yeah I'm gonna tell Cube Opinions on twitter that you're a stripper do the rumors will start. Hey guys hay here. Just confirmed: graser10 is in fact a stripper. His alias is GMoneyDawg and he works Tuesdays,Thursdays and Saturdays." "Don't you dare. I'll tweet out a picture of you." I smirk seeing if he'll remember everyone knows what I look like. "Zach, you're not a smart man are you?" He put his hand to his face and laughed "apparently I'm not."

On the way back to our apartments he stops me "Haley, I realize we haven't known each other long. Shh don't say anything at all until I'm done. Anyways, I just wanted to tell you that you have become a closer friend to me then some of my long time friends. I was having a creative block, nothing seemed fun anymore theres only so much you can do on minecraft ya know? But anyways I apologize if kissing you made you feel awkward around me but I don't regret it and right here as we stand I want to do it again. Haley I'm rambling but thats because I'm scared of what you're going....." I stopped him. Probably not the best way of stopping a person but it worked none the less.

I kissed him. The thing is. I really liked it. "Haley.." "Shut up for a second. My turn, walk with me. My last boyfriend was not the healthiest relationship, in fact he made me feel like crap every second of the day. So, I guess when someone came along that actually enjoyed me and treated me equal I got confused and didn't know what to do. But you're right, I haven't even known you for two weeks. Lets just start by being friends. I'll see you tomorrow."


Well. I cant tell if that went better or worse then I imagined. Oh shoot I have to do my hunger games. Fückin hell. Ugh. Maybe H will film something with me. 'Hberm tinty fer plz respd i luv u nd want 2 film a hungaaarrr gems. plz respond. thx. G10' He is going to murder my face off for typing like that.

I get a response about ten minutes later and we film the funniest game ever. After the recording he asks me "Graser, so Haley. I want to record with her more but don't know how. Any ideas?" No stay away H, wait theres that feeling again. Jealousy, it's like a little troll that only comes out when you try to cross a bridge but this bridge is leading to the best thing that hasn't even happened to you yet. "Um H I'm not sure. Ask her to do a super hostile map with you or something." or don't ask her anything and walk away. "Thats a great idea, I can use the server I just bought to do a map with Parker. Thats great by the way. One of the best things I've ever done. I laughed for days. But I lost my perspective so only parker will be uploading. I'll let you know how it goes." No don't. I wonder if I can ask her to do something before he does.

H: "hey wanna do a super hostile map?"

You: "yeah sure, can I suggest one or do you have it picked out?"

H: "No, I actually was going to ask which one you wanted to do."

You: "Alright, lets do Lethamyr."

H: "Sounds good."

Am I evil? I just chose one the absolute hardest complete the monuments in the history of maps. Muhahaha

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