When we looked in each others eyes for .2 seconds and now I think im pregnant

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Scenario 1

The day was warm with a soft breeze. I sat in the bleachers cheering on my schools track team, mainly my one true love, Alex Willis. He is like, the fastest person on the team. The way his electric blue eyes looked so determined, how his lips slowly forms a sly grin, the way his hair flops like Donald Trump trying to keep his toupee from flying away but, you know, sexier.

I'm sitting in the bleachers watching the angel sent from heaven run against this guy from another school. I'm sitting with my best friend, almond joy in hand, and watching my future hubby compete. Everything's perfect until he walks up to his "perfect" girlfriend. We'll call her....Sandy. So he goes up to Sandy and kisses her on the motherfucking cheek...without my permission!!
Bitch, swerve..da fuq!?!??

A/N: I know this is short and it sucked but I promise I'll make it better:) comment what you think. It could be about Alex, or Sandy, or the end of fucking infinity wars bullshit...I'm chill idc😁

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