Scenario {2} (he looks constipated in this offense)

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Scenario {2}

"How come we can't stay outside longerrrrrr?" My friend...uhhh...Erin (names are fake for obvious reasons🙃) whined.

"BECAUSE WE HAVE CLASS!" I said for the 5 millionth time.

"BeCauSe We HaVe ClAsS!¡!" Erin mimicked me with a voice that was so heavenly God was jealous. *Note the sarcasm*

"You know what..I would stick that attitude up your ass but there's no room because your heads up the-"

"Whoa,whoa, whoa!Ladies, don't be so feisty"

And you won't believe who FLIPPING SAID THAT!!


Alex friggin Willis...(how'd you know?)

'I'm only feisty when I need to be' *wink*

That's what happened in my mind but instead.....

"Feisty? I no feisty..I sweet like feist." And of course my grammar has left my soul and went straight down the drain with my dignity..and my-

"Trinity, you're making a fool of yourself" I heard my wonderful, helpful, great with making me feel like more of an idiot of a friend whisper behind me.

"Although you don't need help with that." She went on.

"Damn." I heard someone say. I forgot he was here

" least I don't watch bubble guppies in my free time!" I blurted without thinking. Shit.

"Trinity." She started. Shitttttt.

"You do that."

"HOLY CRAP THIS IS AMAZING!" Alex said with the biggest smile on his face. Usually I love that smile but now I want that smile to go away...and him.

Well...Nonny can't help me now.

Yoooo....this is the best I could do without my brothers looking behind my back and asking me a million and one questions so...I hope you liked it

The Boy I admire from Far Away (and up close) Where stories live. Discover now