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Still thinking of the past incident, I walked home. My mind soaring and my thoughts flying to the figure which greatly resembles Death. Or was that really Death? I don't know.

I was snapped back out of my trance when a loud sound of the ambulance siren passed by me. I just saw two ambulance today and I don't really like it. Another siren was heard and it was the sound of the fire truck. Where's the fire?

Strangely enough the sound seems really close to our house. Wait. It's our house! I quickly ran home and the worst scenario unfolded right in front of me. Our house burned, my mom dead, and people hurt. With shaking hands I went to my mom, my tears falling down uncontrollably.
"M-mom? Wake up mom. You can't leave me like this!" I shook her but still no response from her.

"It's my birthday soon mom. You can't leave me like this!" As I finished saying those my knees gave up and I ended up sitting on our pavement.

"Mom. Mom."I kept whispering.

Then I sensed a presence. That feeling that I felt every single day of my life. That feeling that Im being watched. And as I looked around, I saw the figure I saw earlier but now, it's coming for my mom.

"No." I whispered and ran to where my mom is.

Looking at the figure straight in the eyes I held the sleeve of his cloak and dragged him away from my mom.

The figure seems to follow me for I don't struggle in dragging him.

I faced him and said,"you can't take my mom."

He sighed, looked at me and replied,
"I know it's friggin hard for you but taking the person who you love the most is hard for me too, but I can't do anything but take her. She's dead Etheria. And I need to take her to where she belongs."

"B-but she's, she's the only one I have." I said, crying

"I know. I'm sorry." And with that he left.

Again I felt my knees buckle and I fell again on the hard floor.

My mom's dead. My home's gone. I-

My thoughts broke into sobs. And I cried and before I knew it I passed out.

I woke up in a hospital room. Again, my tears started falling when I remembered my mom. She may not be my real mom but I love her just the same. She was the one who saved me in that hell of an orphanage and cared like a real mother would. Now, she's gone. And I won't ever see her again.

I started sobbing. I looked at the door when I heard a knock.

I inclined my head. Wondering who would visit me.

"Hey." The calm voice of Aunt Tina, our neighbor, greeted me.

"Auntieee..*hik mom left *hik me. He's taken her *hik auntie." I cried, pouting.

"Who took her?" She asked as she took a seat beside me.

"Death auntie." I answered, wiping my tears.

"Our sweet, innocent Etheria. There are many unexpected things in this world. We can't change it but what we could do is live on. If your mom could talk to you right now, I know she'll say that you have to live on happily without her. Grieve for now but not too long then after that move on and be happy, angel" she said caressing my hair

I erupted into sobs and hugged her. Thinking of my mom that I will never see again.

Before I knew it I fell asleep.

I woke up alone. My eyes sore because of crying too much.

I closed my eyes and remembered the things that happened today. One particular memory made me sit up.

He knows my name. Death knows my name. He said it's hard for him to take my mom. But why? Taking souls should be easy for him. Why is it hard for him to take my mom's soul? Is it because my mom's soul won't leave her body? Or maybe because he finds it hard because my mom's pretty? Eh? But he looks young. He seems to be like my age.

So its not because mom's pretty.

So it's mom's soul? But why? Maybe mom don't want to leave me yet. So she doesn't want to go.

"WAAAAAAAAAA!! Mom!!!!"I cried

The nurse in charge of me came rushing to the door.

"Yes miss! What's wrong?!!"she frantically asks.

"My mom!! She doesn't want to leave yet!!! DEATTHH!! BRING HER BACK!! huhuhuhu" I cried out

The nurse just sighed and scribbled something on her notes and left. Just as the door closed I heard a low chuckle and someone muttering "adorable" in the room. But that's impossible cause I'm alone in here.

Is there a ghost here?

I'm scared! T_T

"I-if you're t-the g-ghost he-here I'll leave t-tom-mor-row so please do-dont hurt m-me." I stuttered

I slowly stood up doing the karate pose I see in movies. If I do this maybe I'll scare the ghost and he'll leave.

I heard another chuckle. I yelped and faced the direction of the sound, still doing the pose, hoping to intimidate him.

The sound stopped. I waited for a few minutes and when I heard nothing, I sighed in relief. Maybe the pose intimidated the ghost. I better not tell anybody im not good with martial arts so the ghost wont follow me.

Again remembering that my home burned down I sighed and slumped myself on the bed. Only then that I noticed the letter on the bedside table.

It's from auntie.

"Sweet Etheria,"it read "I know you must be sad right now but please cheer up. I left an hour after you fell asleep by the way,and I just wanted you to know the inheritance your mom left you.

She gave you your house, I know that doesn't count cause it burned down. She also left you the vacation house in Venice. She also had a savings account for you. She already deposited 134,000 dollars in it. You also don't have to worry about your remaining year in college cause she also got that all covered like she know this is gonna happen. She also got insurance for her and you so you'll be having the insurance tomorrow.  Your mom got this all done last month. She prepared all of this like she knew this day will come. So don't be sad too much angel. Your mom accepted her death. So I guess, you should too. But I understand that you need time so I'll let you be. But remember, I'm always here if you need any help.

Love, Auntie Tina."

I wiped the tears that once again fell and smiled. Even in death, Mon never left me. She still takes good care of me.

"Thank you so much, mom."I whispered, knowing that wherever mom is, she will hear me.

I smiled a genuine smile. She may be gone now in this world, but she'll stay in my heart forever.

I love you mom.

I'll remember you.


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