10. School week

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The day following the exhibition, I looked at the classroom door at 3rd period hoping to see Chaeyoung. But I was disappointed when I didn't see her. I saw only the other two. It was weird as I always saw them together. She wasn't present in their lunch table as well. I missed her.

I sent Jihyo to ask about her. I didn't go myself because I felt guilty since Bambam was sitting at our table.

"She's sick at home" Jihyo whispered to my ear as she sat down. Get well soon Chaeyoung.

I was glad when she finally did return to school. Things started to look normal.


November was here, House competitions would start in a week. Classes were shortened by a period so that students could prepare for house activites. Captains and prefects were starting to get busy. Red Captain Sana was nowhere to be seen near our dance studio. I volunteered for my house as well.

I was walking with a list of names in hand after classes. Blue Captain Jaehyun had instructed me to go to Classroom 7-B, where a bunch of 6-8th graders would be waiting to be signed up for singing competition. Basically they will be in the group singing competition, my job was listen to them and select the best three and enter their names for solo competition. Technically it was going to be an audition. I was going alone because Blue house was always in lack of willing volunteers. Last year also we struggled because we had only few helping hands. Really, who do I go with? I don't wanna be a lone judge. But I had no choice.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" A long legged girl strode up on my left and walked with me.

"Oh Tzuyu, I'm going to room 7-B to select students for the solo singing competition. They're waiting."

"Then shouldn't you take with you a musical genius like me? Hahaha" Dahyun caught up with us and walked on my right. I smiled at what she said.

"I'll be honoured if you join me" I invited them. They are here... that means... Chaeyoung!

I suddenly stopped walking and turned to see if Chaeyoung was catching up with us too. Yup, she was right behind me and she bumped into me since I turned around abruptly.

"Ow!" we said and other two laughed.

I was too glad they were giving me company. I always loved spending time with them, especially secretly looking at Chaeyoung! Dahyun was very helpful. She knew many of the students from last year because she played piano for the group singing. She literally took charge of the selections on herself. The rest of us only assisted her.

"Are you going to take part in the dance competition again?" Chaeyoung asked me.

"I am not sure. There are lots of work to do for the house. The captains and prefects are not enough hands. I doubt if I will have time."

"There are few other seniors helping out. Haeri will volunteer too. And there's the three of us. You should sign in and practise, unnie" Tzuyu said and Chaeyoung seconded that. I smiled and nodded at them.

For the rest of the week, they were wherever I was. They followed me around like sidekicks and we did what we had to, together and so it was lot of fun.

Bambam once walked with me to meet them and he kissed my cheek in front of them before he left. It was embarassing! That day Chaeyoung asked me, "Does he make you happy?"

"Yes, he does" I replied.

"That's good. It's good to see you happy" she nodded.

Bambam and Jihyo were both Yellow house so they volunteered together  and often ganged up on me and jeered how my Blue house would come last in the competition. Of course, they loved to tease me. They said my reaction was priceless.

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