Chapter 4

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Helllooooooooooooooooo! Okay I have probably lost so many readers because I am too lazy to write up a new chapter. Apologies for you having to wait like 6 months. I promise I will do much better this year at updating!

Enjoy xoxo

I was worried now; Ron had just sat me down. “Now Hermione I am just going to be straight up with you.” Oh no this must be bad he didn’t call me Mione like he always does. “When you were over in America… Oh this is hard… I cheated on you with Lavender.” He said all in one breath. It took me a minute to take all that he said in, than I broke down crying. “Oh Mione I’m sorry I just bumped into her when I was getting a new book for mum in Diagon Alley and we stopped and got coffee than you know…”Ron dragged off.

I just could not believe this, so many emotions were swimming through me, but there was one thing I was very confused about. Didn’t Lavender die? I saw her get attacked by Fenrir, and she had been put on the confirmed death list. She must have only got a deep bite… but then my mind flicked to when I read Hairy Snout, Human Heart it said that if one shall survive a werewolf’s bite they will then become one. I would have brought it up to Ron but it wasn’t exactly the right time…

I finally looked up at him and stared straight into those bright beautiful blue eyes that I love. My mouth opened and closed a few times trying to muster the words to say to him. “Ron…I I’m just speechless, I just don’t know what to say…” There was one thing I really wanted to ask and I’m sure I have already predicted the answer. “Are you over me Ron?” I said in a whisper not having the confidence to speak up but the desperate look upon his face I knew he had heard and I knew his answer. “I’m sorry Hermione I never meant to hurt you I did love you and I still do I just think we need to have a break and see how thi-“

I got up and ran, ran as fast and as far as my legs could take me. As I reached the fields it was nightfall and getting quite dark. I didn’t bother to look back, at this moment it didn’t matter if he chased me or he didn’t. I apparated as quickly as possible. I arrived at my favourite park near my house I sat and cried I was in no mood to express what just happened, to my parents. I was there for a while calming myself; luckily I bought a book to read. Then I looked at my watch and saw it was 8:30 and the night sky was black, a fall moon was out, I sigh thinking about Remus. Everyone really misses him and everyone else we have lost along the way.

I packed up my things and put them in my bag, I decided to walk home because sometimes magic isn’t always necessary. Just as I reached the start of my street I saw a shadow behind me out of the corner of my eye. After the war I got so paranoid about anything that could be potentially dangerous so now I was panicking. I walked twice as fast and got to my house quicker. Quickly I got to the door and opened my purse I had no time to waste I whipped my wand from my boot and accioed my keys out and jumped inside. I was now safe and very curious, I peeked through the little glass pane of my front door and saw what must have been a boy due to his figure walking past wearing a hoodie and track pants. He looked to be listening to his iPod and not once did he glance at the house. I slid down the door, crying yet again and sat not believing I panicked again. That was the whole reason I went on holiday to America, I needed to get away because I was imagining people ‘following me’ and them trying to ‘capture me’. I was struggling coping with everything and I had only support from my friends as I had not found my parents yet. I got up and crept up the stairs sobbing quietly trying not to wake my parents. To upset to do anything I got into bed and went to sleep hoping tomorrow will be a better day. A week later I woke up the same way I have done every morning and I can’t describe how horrible I feel, I go to the bathroom avoiding my parent’s bedroom on the way there. Look into the basin mirror and hardly recognized the girl in the mirror. I’m not my usual composed confident self, I’m an emotional wreck with blotchy cheeks and dry tear stains. I attempted at cleaning myself up by getting out of last night’s clothes and having a shower, it made me feel a little better but I don’t think anything could fully pick my spirits up.

Walking down the hallway I pass the calendar and notice a big red X. It is the 11th of October. The day had finally arrived, tonight was the before term party. I had decided here and now I’m not going I couldn’t face everyone with what has happened and in my state.

The only thing I could cope with now is food and TV shows. It was past 1 when my mum discovered me in the lounge buried in wrappers and tissues. “Oh darling what has happened to you? You’ve been like this for days now, please let me know” I stared into my mother’s kind hearted eyes and let my heart pour out I explained everything from the letter to come over to me crying and running home. The comfort of my mother is nice and it was really what I needed. But then my mum came swooping in with “Maybe you aren’t ready to go back to Hogwarts” I was so outraged I could not believe she had just said that. “Mum don’t be so ridiculous! I have never missed a day of school and I’m not starting now”

We had a talk about it all when mum suggested “Why don’t I help you get ready for this party and we can glam you up for everyone and show Ron what he isn’t going to get ay?” She even added a sly wink at the end of her sentence. I knew Ron wasn’t going to the dance because of his leg but I am going to The Burrow to go with Ginny and Harry. So Ron is bound to see me there…

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2015 ⏰

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